{{OW2Audio|File=000000061F1E.0B2|en=Wow. I need to get one of these.|zh=喔。我也想要一台这种设备。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000061F1E.0B2|en=Wow. I need to get one of these.|zh=喔。我也想要一台这种设备。}}
== 在艾兴瓦尔德 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000064395.0B2|en=Poor Reinhardt. What he must have seen here.|zh=可怜的莱因哈特。他在这里经历了太多……}}
== 在伊利奥斯 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000064396.0B2|en=I really need to come here off the clock. Been dying to try the octopus.|zh=下班之后我得再来一趟。真想尝尝这里的章鱼。}}
== 在新皇后街 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000064397.0B2|en=I live here, so... don't blow up anything you don't have to.|zh=我就住在这儿,所以……记得爱护公物,别到处乱炸。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005DB8F.0B2|en=My home and native land.|zh=我的家园,我的故土。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005DB4A.0B2|en=The True North strong and free!|zh=真北之邦,自由强壮!}}
== 在绿洲城 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=00000006611E.0B2|en=Might be hypocritical of me, but I think there are some parts of science humans weren't meant to explore.|zh=这么说可能有些虚伪,但我觉得科学上,有些领域是人类不该碰的。}}