{{OW2Audio|File=00000006611E.0B2|en=Might be hypocritical of me, but I think there are some parts of science humans weren't meant to explore.|zh=这么说可能有些虚伪,但我觉得科学上,有些领域是人类不该碰的。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000006611E.0B2|en=Might be hypocritical of me, but I think there are some parts of science humans weren't meant to explore.|zh=这么说可能有些虚伪,但我觉得科学上,有些领域是人类不该碰的。}}
== 在中城(疑似) ==
{{OW2Audio|File=00000006611D.0B2|en=Surprised everyone got here on time. The 401 was backed up like crazy. (scoff) As usual.|zh=没想到大家都挺准时。401号公路堵车堵得要死。(冷笑)还是老样子。}}