{{OW2Audio|File=000000067E65.0B2|en=Think about all that's happened down there!|zh=想想下面那片土地上悠久的历史!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067E65.0B2|en=Think about all that's happened down there!|zh=想想下面那片土地上悠久的历史!}}
== 在阿努比斯神殿 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F61.0B2|en=Egyptology? My favorite!|zh=埃及古物学?我的最爱!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F6D.0B2|en=Just look at the array of pristine late kingdom hieroglyphics here… Ooh! I think this one is a curse!|zh=看看这段完好无损的晚期王国时期象形文字……哦!上面写的应该是段诅咒!}}
== 在艾兴瓦尔德 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F66.0B2|en=Medieval archaeology? My favorite!|zh=中世纪考古学?我的最爱!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F63.0B2|en=Every site tells a story. (sigh) Not always happy ones.|zh=每座遗址都有一段故事。(叹气)而故事的结局未必美好。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F65.0B2|en=Check out the stratification in this castle's stonework--looks like a lot of groups have called this place home!|zh=看看这座城堡石墙上的层理,有很多不同的团体应该曾经都在这里居住过!}}
== 在新皇后街 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F69.0B2|en=Sometimes I miss Canada, but the world's not gonna explore itself!|zh=有时候我还挺怀念加拿大的,但这个世界还等着我探索呢!}}
== 在多拉多 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F6B.0B2|en=Remind me to visit mi abuelita while I'm in Mexico. I gotta show her pictures from my last dig!|zh=既然来了墨西哥,记得提醒我看望奶奶。我要给她看看我上次发掘工作的照片!}}
== 在暴雪世界 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=0000000682B7.0B2|en=Ohh! Can we ride the Hellscream while we're here? Please please please please please?|zh=啊!来都来了,能不能坐一次“地狱咆哮”过山车?求求求求求你们了!}}
== 在斗兽场 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F6E.0B2|en=?When in Rome, do as the Romans do?--and I sure hope the Romans like studying columns!|zh=“人在罗马,入乡随俗”——希望罗马人喜欢研究那些石柱!}}
== 在斗兽场或伊利奥斯 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067F62.0B2|en=Classical archaeology? My favorite!|zh=古典考古学?我的最爱!}}
== 在尼泊尔或香巴里寺院 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=0000000682B8.0B2|en=This is where Aurora changed the world forever. I am gonna freak out!|zh=奥罗拉当初就是在这里彻底改变了世界。激动死我了!}}