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− | 于战火中,我们得以重生 | + | {{LOLHero|Name=pantheon|Title=暗黑元首|Description=辛德拉是一位掌握着强大力量的艾欧尼亚魔法师,她凭借悲伤与愤怒等情绪攻击,并且十分厌恶被控制。她的语音多与挣脱束缚的渴望以及她强横狂野的魔法天赋有关。}} |
| + | == 选择英雄 == |
| + | ===选用=== |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon Select|Script =In battle, we are reborn.|Translation=于战火中,我们得以重生}} |
| + | ===禁用=== |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon Ban|Script =Flee, and the spear will find your back.|Translation=逃吧,长枪会追上你的}} |
| + | == 移动 == |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move9|Script = It is not why I fight, but who I fight for.|Translation=为何而战不重要,重要的是为谁而战}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move10|Script = I cast my excuses into the dirt.|Translation=我曾给自己寻找借口,又将他们抛弃践踏}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move11|Script = The earth is beneath me.|Translation=大地在我脚下}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move12|Script = Onward! The spear points in only one direction.|Translation=长枪所向,一往无前}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move13|Script = Even impaled on a blade, I will press forward!.|Translation=利刃穿身,我仍毅然前行}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move14|Script = We live our lives in the shadow cast by a mountain.|Translation=我们活在一座山峰的阴影中}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move15|Script = Death is the only thing that ever embraced me.|Translation=拥我入怀的,只有死亡}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move16|Script = We are what we overcome.|Translation=翻过一座山,你就高过一座山}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move17|Script = A clashing of steel... I have heard it all go silent.|Translation= 刀剑相撞,那声音曾在我耳畔逝去}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move18|Script = I wield my fate as a weapon!|Translation=我的命运是我手中的武器}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move19|Script = There is no pity, no mercy.|Translation=没有什么怜悯和慈悲}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move20|Script = Pressing forward is not the same as running from your mistakes.|Translation=毅然前行,并不等同于逃避你犯下的错误}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move21|Script = Spears grow restless before fields of wheat.|Translation=凌厉的长枪,在麦田面前躁动不安}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move22|Script = If they bleed I will call them sister or brother.|Translation=只要会流血,就是我的手足}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move23|Script = The world moves as the heavens lie still.|Translation=世界在动,天界止步不前}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move24|Script = Because we fall, the climb must be our destination.|Translation=因为万物都会坠落,所以攀登是我们必然的宿命}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move25|Script = I wear a helm so that I am only a soldier.|Translation=我的头盔,让我成为一名普通士兵}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move26|Script = I will carve my scars into the heavens.|Translation=我要在天界,刻下属于我的伤痕}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move27|Script = I buried regret in a grave, along with my name.|Translation=我将悔恨,与我的名字一道,葬在了墓中}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move28|Script = The power of these 'gods' is but an echo of our own.|Translation=这些神的力量,只不过是我们的倒影}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move29|Script = I do not set the pace, I race against it.|Translation=我并不争先,只是一心超越}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move30|Script = The past marches with me.|Translation=过往与我同行}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move31|Script = There are no enemies, no allies. Only those about to die|Translation=无所谓敌人或盟友,全都是将死之人}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move32|Script = From the skies they see war, but on earth there is only carnage.|Translation=它们从天空中看到的是战争,但在大地上的所见,只有杀戮}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move33|Script = The art of war is hearing your heart beating, knowing you are alive!|Translation=战争之道在于听见自己的心跳,知道你还活着}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move34|Script = If they kill me, at least I die a man.|Translation=如果他们杀死我,至少我能以凡人之躯赴死}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move35|Script = I am the tip of the spear, raised against surrender!|Translation=我是长枪的尖锋,百折不挠}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move36|Script = I have found my limit a thousand times, and still I press further.|Translation=千百次我曾找到自己新的极限,而我仍旧一心前行}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move37|Script = The people cry out for strength that is already theirs!|Translation=人们哭喊着所要的力量,其实早已存在于他们内心}} |
| + | === 首次移动 === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move1|Script = I fight until the blood takes the spear from my grasp, until I can only crawl. And even then, you will not defeat me, even then, I will spit in your face!|Translation=我将死战不屈,这只长枪坠地,匍匐不起,即便如此,我仍然不败,血沫唾敌}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move2|Script = The heavens do not fear me because I am a god, they fear me because I am a man!|Translation=天界畏惧我,不是因为我是神,而是因为我是凡人}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move3|Script = Let this day be legend.|Translation=让世人永远铭记这一天}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move4|Script = My name is Soldier. By my spear, they will know war.|Translation=我是无名的士卒,以我手中的长枪,开始战争的真义}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move5|Script = They are called gods, but when they die you cannot hear their howls above the wind.|Translation=虽然被尊为神灵,可他们死去时的嚎哭,甚至盖不过呼啸的风}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move6|Script = Brother to warriors resting beneath wheat. Son of battles a thousand times lost. I know who I am, and I will show the gods what I can become!|Translation=我是麦田下长眠英魂的兄弟,我是千百次溃败的战争之子,我知道我是谁,我要让神看到,我将是谁}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move7|Script = Shields defend hearts. Both yours, and those beside you.|Translation=坚盾在侧,护己及人}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move8|Script = Aatrox has slaughtered gods. But now, he faces a man.|Translation=亚托克斯曾弑杀天神,但现在他面对着一个凡人(敌方亚托克斯)}} |
| + | === 长距离移动 === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move38|Script = How much further could we march if we were not forced to carry our fears on our backs?|Translation=如果我们可以不再背负恐惧,一定还能走得更远}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move39|Script = The twilight of the gods comes each morning, when our world shines brighter than the stars.|Translation=每一天的黎明,都是诸神的黄昏,因为那时的凡间,比星辰更明亮}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move40|Script = We must all find our place. Mine is being cast down, so I can rise once more!|Translation=我们都要找到自己的位置,我曾一落千丈,便可再度攀登}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move41|Script = We are privileged to breathe, to taste the air! It is the last gasp of all who have died before us.|Translation=呼吸,品尝空气的味道是我们的荣幸,这是无数先祖用最后一口气为我们换来的}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move42|Script = We are caught between Darkin and Aspect, but we will rise up in spite of them.|Translation=我们生长在暗裔和星灵的夹缝中,但我们必将凌驾万物}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move43|Script = The stars are beyond my reach, and so I grasp my spear and take aim.|Translation=星辰遥不可及,于是我握起长枪,瞄准天际}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move44|Script = When I look to the mountain's peak, in my mind, I have already fallen. And so, I climb.|Translation=每当仰望山巅,我就会感到自己如堕深渊,于是,我便开始攀登}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move45|Script = Heavier than my spear is the weight of only one life.|Translation=比我的长枪更沉重的,是一条性命}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move46|Script = After every defeat, I ran around the mountain until even shame could not keep up.|Translation=每次战败,我都绕着这座山奔跑,直到耻辱再也追不上我}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move47|Script = The man who tastes the venom of gods must spit his words.|Translation=人若品尝过神的恶毒,就再也说不出甜言蜜语}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move48|Script = The mountain before me is not always high. *Chuckle* It is not always a mountain.|Translation=我们面前的山不一定真的难以逾越,哼,甚至不一定真的是山}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move49|Script = Vengeance is cold. I do not need it on the mountain.|Translation=复仇,即是寒冷,矗立高山的我并不需要}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.move50|Script = Behind me lies a farm. I wonder if there is bread above the hearth, and if I will ever return.|Translation=在我的身后有一座农场,不知道火炉上是否摆满面包,也不知我是否还能回去}} |
| + | |
| + | |
| + | == 互动 == |
| + | === 嘲讽 === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.taunt1|Script = Immense power is fun! You should try it sometime.|Translation=无边的能量很好玩儿,你有时也应该试一试}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.taunt2|Script = A legion couldn't stop me. What chance do you have?|Translation=一个军团都无法将我阻止,你又有什么机会呢?}} |
| + | === 玩笑 === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.joke1|Script = And they said I lacked balance. Ha!|Translation=他们还说我欠缺平衡,呵呵}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.joke2|Script = See? Absolute control.|Translation=看到了吗?绝对的控制}} |
| + | === 大笑 === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.laugh1|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈... }} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.laugh2|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈... }} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.laugh3|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈... }} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.laugh4|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈... }} |
| + | == 普通攻击 == |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack1|Script = Imprisoned no longer.|Translation=不再被封印了}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack2|Script = Jealous fools.|Translation=善妒的蠢货们}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack3|Script = I will not be restrained.|Translation=我不会受到制约的}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack4|Script = This is what I live for.|Translation=这就是我活着的目的}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack5|Script = Run, playthings.|Translation=跑吧,玩物们}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack6|Script = They are nothing to me.|Translation=对于我而言,他们什么也不是}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack7|Script = Such power!|Translation=如此强大的能量}} |
| + | === 暴击 === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack8|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack9|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack10|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | == 技能 == |
| + | === 释放任意技能时 === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill1|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill2|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill3|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill4|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill5|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill6|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill7|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.skill8|Script = Ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| + | === 使用Q技能{{LOLAI|Dark Sphere|暗黑法球}} === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.q1|Script = Barriers exist to be broken.|Translation=障碍存在的意义就是被打破}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.q2|Script = Power without limit.|Translation=没有限制的能量}} |
| + | === 使用W技能{{LOLAI|Force of Will|驱使念力}} === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.w1|Script = I love to watch them fly.|Translation=我就爱看他们飞起来}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.w2|Script = I will not hold back.|Translation=我不会退缩}} |
| + | === 使用E技能{{LOLAI|Scatter_the_Weak|弱者退散}} === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.e1|Script = They won't even come close.|Translation=他们甚至近不了身}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.e2|Script = I am untouchable.|Translation=没人可以碰到我}} |
| + | === 使用R技能{{LOLAI|Unleashed_Power|能量倾泻}} === |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.ult1|Script = My potential is limitless!|Translation=我的潜力无可限量}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.ult2|Script = I will not be restrained.|Translation=我不会受到制约的}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.ult3|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈...}} |
| + | == 死亡 == |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.death1|Script =Ah! |Translation=啊!}} |
| + | |
| + | {{LOL Navigation}} |
| + | <comments /> |