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体积巨大、装甲厚实的飞行器,能在空投伞兵部队之前,对敌方基地进行地毯式轰炸。 |
Just give us a target, and we're on our way! | |
给我们个目标,我们即刻出发! |
Century Bomber, ready for our first mission! | |
世纪轰炸机,准备执行首次任务! |
Coming in, loud and clear! | |
指令收到,清楚明白! |
Fine as cream gravy! | |
状态火热! |
Century here, I'm all ears! | |
世纪轰炸机在此,静候命令! |
Come in, HQ! | |
收到信号,总部! |
Just give us the orders! | |
您尽管下令! |
They are counting on us, boys! | |
伙计们,他们都指望我们呢! |
Ready to do what needs to be done! | |
需要做什么,时刻准备着! |
Oh horse feathers, they're onto us! | |
别废话了,他们朝我们来了! |
We're taking some flak, sir! | |
长官,正遭受防空炮打击! |
Sir, I think we've been hit! | |
长官,我们好像被射中了! |
Put out those fires back there! | |
把那里的火灭了! |
There's a warning light! | |
警报灯亮了! |
We'll need some repairs after this one! | |
这场仗打完我们得修一修! |
Doggone it! They're firing at us! | |
妈的!他们在朝我们开火! |
Heading over! | |
正在前往! |
Wilco! | |
收到! |
Confirm, HQ! | |
确认命令,总部! |
Copy, there new coordinates! | |
收到,有新坐标! |
Yes sir! | |
是,长官! |
Roger that! | |
收到! |
You can count on us! | |
放心交给我们吧! |
We've got new orders! | |
收到新指令! |
Well boys, I reckon this is it! | |
好了伙计们,我想就是这了! |
Let's give 'em what's coming to 'em! | |
给他们送点炸弹! |
Coming through! | |
接招! |
We have visual contact! | |
目标在我们视野内! |
We got our mission! | |
找到任务目标了! |
We've got clearance, gentleman! | |
任务已获批,伙伴们! |
Hang on, boys! | |
伙计们,坐稳了! |
Check those bomb doors! | |
检查投弹舱门! |
Change of plans! | |
计划有变! |
Let's set her down! | |
找地方着陆! |
Returning to base! | |
返回基地! |
Get that repair crew ready! | |
叫维修人员就位! |
Spark up the barbecue, we're coming home! | |
整点烧烤,我们回家了! |
Ready that damage report! | |
损害报告准备好! |
Let's get the heck out of here! | |
快离开这鬼地方! |
Well shoot, let's go then! | |
真行啊,我们撤! |
Do us proud out there! | |
别让我们失望! |
Out you go! | |
你们快上吧! |
Good luck out there, boys! | |
祝你们在下面好运,伙计们! |
Careful on the way down! | |
降落的时候小心点! |
No more belly aching from them! | |
终于不用听他们发牢骚了! |
Oohh oohh oooohhhh! | |
哦哦哦! |
Yeehaw! | |
咦哈! |
Yaaaaahoo! | |
呀吼! |
Yaaahooooo! | |
呀吼! |
Oohh man! | |
老天爷! |
Pull her up! Pull her up! | |
快拉杆!快拉杆! |