![]() | |
这些战地火炮载具,一旦展开它们的巨型加农炮,绝对能发动宛如地狱般的攻击。 |
We'll put an end to this! | |
我们将平定这一切! |
Our preparations are complete! | |
准备工作已完成! |
We will settle this! | |
我们会摆平这一切! |
Pacifier! | |
平定者报到! |
We must be prudent! | |
必须谨慎行事! |
Under control! | |
尽在掌控! |
They have it coming! | |
他们日子到头了! |
Nothing to worry about! | |
不必担心! |
They will comply! | |
他们必将服从! |
We'll put them to rest! | |
让他们永得安定! |
Wear them out! | |
击溃他们! |
It has begun! | |
平定已开始! |
They weaken! | |
他们已被削弱! |
It's not over! | |
平定尚未结束! |
They can't win! | |
他们无法获胜! |
They're on the list! | |
他们在平定名单上! |
Little brats! | |
这帮崽子! |
They strike? | |
他们竟敢反抗? |
Who is responsible for this? | |
这事归谁管? |
They persist? | |
他们还在坚持? |
A mistake on their part! | |
他们可犯了大错! |
Confirmed! | |
确认! |
As planned! | |
按计划前进! |
To the next! | |
前往下一处地点! |
We move! | |
我们走! |
Reposition! | |
重新部署! |
Proceed! | |
移动中! |
We will find them. | |
我们会找到他们 |
Complying. | |
收到 |
Understood! | |
明白! |
They won't go far! | |
他们跑不远的! |
It's them! | |
他们在那! |
We have them locked! | |
我们锁定他们了! |
Shut them down! | |
把他们杀了! |
This will be satisfied! | |
何乐不为! |
They won't matter soon! | |
他们很快就无关紧要了! |
We know who they are! | |
我们知道他们是谁! |
Let them go! | |
放他们一马! |
Integrity must be preserved! | |
必须保持我们完整! |
Make them follow! | |
让他们跟来吧! |
We will return! | |
我们会回来的! |
Soften their will! | |
消磨他们的意志! |
They're right here! | |
他们就在这里! |
Again! | |
再来! |
Now! | |
就现在! |
There's one! | |
这有一个! |
Eliminate them! | |
消灭他们! |
Striking range set! | |
设置远程火炮! |
Clear the grounds! | |
肃清地面! |
Set to deploy! | |
展开部署! |
Ready to siege! | |
准备围攻! |
Cripple them! | |
瘫痪他们! |
We'll put a stop to this! | |
我们会平定这一切! |
A show of force! | |
武力展示! |
Erase them! | |
抹除它们! |
They had their chance! | |
他们本还有机会! |
Put 'em down! | |
放倒他们! |
No one is overlooked! | |
一个不留! |
Watch as they buckle. | |
看他们抱头鼠窜吧 |
Pacify them! | |
平定他们! |
We have his name! | |
他在我们的名单上! |
Let's make ourselves clear! | |
还我们一片清净! |