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快速移动、驾驶辅助的机器人,能够在地面或海上发动攻势,或是一飞冲天。 |
Ready, Mecha Tengu? | |
天狗机甲,准备好了吗? |
Mecha Tengu, let's go! | |
天狗机甲,出发! |
Let's go have some fun! | |
我们找乐子去! |
Smooth ride! | |
一路顺风! |
The stuff of legends! | |
我可是传说级的! |
Come on, let's fight! | |
上啊,去干一架! |
Looking for some fun! | |
来找点乐子! |
Got a score to settle? | |
要算什么账吗? |
Autocannons locked on! | |
自动机炮已锁敌! |
We got this, no problem! | |
交给我们吧,不会有问题的! |
Keep it up, Tengu!! | |
继续战斗,天狗! |
No survivors! | |
谁都别想活! |
They have nothing on us! | |
他们远不是我们的对手! |
We're in charge here! | |
这里我们说了算! |
Don't give them a chance! | |
别给一点机会! |
I'm hit! | |
遭受攻击! |
Hold on, Tengu! | |
坚持住,天狗! |
They think they can take us? | |
他们以为能干掉我们? |
Who do they think they are? | |
他们以为自己是谁啊? |
They're fighting back! | |
敌人正发起反击! |
I felt that! | |
我感觉到了! |
Just cruisin'! | |
巡视一下! |
We go where we please! | |
我们想去哪就去哪! |
Who's gonna stop us? | |
谁来碍事? |
Mecha Tengu, go! | |
天狗机甲,出击! |
Let's go! | |
出发吧! |
Alright! | |
好! |
They need to be taught a lesson | |
该给他们上一课! |
Tengu, going in! | |
天狗,参上! |
Let's go after them! | |
追击他们! |
Looks like an easy target! | |
看来是个待宰羔羊! |
They're looking for some trouble! | |
他们在找麻烦! |
I got this one! | |
这个交给我! |
This is our turf! | |
这是我们的地盘! |
I don't like the way they look! | |
他们长得真难看啊! |
Zero tolerance! | |
绝不容忍! |
Watch this! | |
接我这招! |
Tear them apart! | |
撕碎他们! |
Open fire! | |
开火! |
Spray 'em! | |
扫射他们! |
Max firing rate! | |
火力全开! |
Drop 'em! | |
击倒他们! |
Blast them, Mecha Tengu! | |
干爆他们,天狗机甲! |
Jet Mode, no complaints! | |
战机模式,没有问题! |
Hey, hey! | |
嘿嘿! |
Jet Tengu here! | |
天狗战机在这儿! |
Flying high! | |
翱翔天际! |
These skies belong to us! | |
天空就由我们掌控! |
Jet Tengu, top speed! | |
天狗战机,全速飞行! |
Fly! | |
飞呀! |
行くぞ! | |
我们上! |
Hitting the boost! | |
启动助推器! |
Burning air! | |
空气燃烧! |
未だ! | |
就现在! |
Time for a dogfight! | |
来场近距空战! |
Shoot them down! | |
击落他们! |
Full force! | |
火力全开! |
Let's get outta here! | |
我们快离开这儿! |
They won't catch us! | |
他们抓不到我们的! |
Spread out! | |
散开! |
Let's take off! | |
我们撤! |
Gotta go! | |
该溜了! |
しまった! | |
完蛋了! |
何で? | |
怎么会? |
No way! | |
不可能! |
Catch me! | |
来抓我啊! |
You'll pay! | |
你会付出代价的! |