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外表光滑且神秘的喷气战斗机,能发射爆破导弹将敌方部队化为灰烬。 |
MiG, ready on the launch pad! | |
米格战斗机,正在停机坪待命! |
I will make ace in no time! | |
我很快就让他们全军覆没! |
MiG, ready to rule the skies! | |
米格战斗机,准备制霸天空! |
Headquarters? | |
总部什么事? |
Someone to fight? | |
谁想打一仗? |
Who's up for a spar? | |
谁来练练手? |
You got a sucker for me? | |
你给我找了个菜鸟? |
The People's Air Force! | |
人民空军! |
Soviet air superiority! | |
苏联空军,所向披靡! |
MiG Fighter! | |
米格战机报到! |
I've got this one! | |
这个交给我! |
Have some of these! | |
尝尝这些! |
Gonna call your mommy? | |
要找妈妈了吗? |
I'm not done with you! | |
我跟你还没完呢! |
Can't handle it? | |
你这就撑不住了? |
MiG pilot on alert! | |
米格飞行员警戒中! |
I've been hit! | |
我被击中了! |
They got my fuselage! | |
机身中弹! |
They're on me! | |
他们在针对我! |
Top speed! | |
全速飞行! |
Under control! | |
尽在掌握! |
Got it command! | |
收到命令! |
The sky is ours! | |
天空属于我们! |
On approach! | |
正在接近! |
Plenty of gas! | |
燃料充足! |
Scanning for hostiles! | |
搜索敌军! |
Red skies! | |
红色天空! |
You and me! | |
你和我一起! |
Let's get busy! | |
开始忙活了! |
To the death! | |
至死不渝! |
Leave it to me! | |
交给我吧! |
Knock him out! | |
击落对方! |
Come and get it! | |
过来吃炮弹! |
Let's see what they got! | |
看看他们有多大本事! |
Stand and fight! | |
奋起作战! |
Fangs out! | |
锋芒毕露! |
Bandit sighted! | |
发现土匪! |
Let's finish this quickly! | |
速战速决! |
I could use a time out! | |
我想休息一下! |
Returning for reload! | |
返回基地补给! |
I need to rearm! | |
需要补充弹药! |
Let's get out of here! | |
我们离开这儿! |
Ready the repair crew! | |
维修人员准备好! |
I need to fall back! | |
我必须撤退了! |
MiG going down! I repeat, MiG going down...! | |
米格坠机了!重复一遍,米格坠机了…… |
For the Russia! | |
为了苏俄! |
Fight on, comrades! | |
同志们,继续战斗下去! |