帝国 | |
搭载六门主炮的宏伟巨大战舰,能够从远方重创目标。 |
Behold! The Shogun Battleship! | |
看啊!幕府将军战列舰! |
The Day of the Shogun has arrived! | |
幕府时代,已然来临! |
The Shogun sets forth! | |
幕府战舰向前而行! |
The Emperor's battleship! | |
吾乃天皇之舰! |
It is our move! | |
我们的行动! |
Do not hesitate! | |
莫要犹豫! |
Preparation is key! | |
战备是致胜关键! |
They must not be underestimated! | |
不要小觑了对手! |
Opportunity awaits! | |
静候战机! |
This moment is ours! | |
这一刻属于我们! |
We will not waver! | |
绝不动摇! |
Shatter their will! | |
粉碎他们的意志! |
Destroy what they cherish! | |
摧毁他们珍视的一切! |
They will soon bow to our flag! | |
敌人很快臣服于我军之下! |
Victory is our destiny! | |
取胜,是我等宿命! |
They distract us! | |
他们影响了我舰! |
Do not let them sway our path! | |
他们不能动摇我们的道路! |
Do not fear these attacks! | |
敌人的攻势没什么可怕的! |
Their attacks matter not! | |
这些攻击无足轻重! |
This fight shall not be our last! | |
这绝不会是我们最后一战! |
Our course has been set! | |
我舰航线已定! |
Your intent is true! | |
你的想法很正确! |
To the horizon! | |
去往地平线! |
As planned! | |
按计划行事! |
Proceed! | |
前进! |
To the seas! | |
驶向大海! |
We make our move! | |
我们自会行动! |
A wise course! | |
明智的航线! |
Go forth! | |
向前! |
It is time! | |
时候到了! |
Move in and fire! | |
加入战场,开火! |
Ready the assault! | |
准备突袭! |
Prepare the attack! | |
准备发起进攻! |
Their demise will follow! | |
敌人很快就会一命呜呼! |
The seas have been unmerciful! | |
大海无情! |
Very judicious. | |
十分明智。 |
We will gather ourselves! | |
我们会振奋士气的! |
Will the enemy follow? | |
敌人会跟上来吗? |
A prudent choice. | |
精致的决策。 |
There! Now! | |
在那儿!上啊! |
Another volley! | |
再射一轮! |
They perish! | |
灰飞烟灭! |
Fire! | |
开火! |
打て!(うて,读音u te日语 "Fire!" or "Fire at Will!") | |
开火! |
Leave nothing! | |
一个也别留下! |
Main guns! | |
发射主炮! |
As a crashing wave! | |
冲击波! |
A divine wind! | |
神风来袭! |
Ramming speed! | |
冲锋速度! |
All engines! | |
引擎全开! |
Full speed! | |
全速冲锋! |