苏联 | |
比MCV的规模小,这些无武装的车辆可以用来协助扩建军事基地。 |
Sputnik, all packed up!(未使用) | |
史普尼克,打包完成! |
I'm all packed up! | |
我都打包好了! |
Where we are going? | |
我们是要去哪儿? |
Hello? | |
喂? |
Where's our first stop? | |
第一站去哪儿? |
Let's go on a trip! | |
踏上旅途! |
Yes? | |
嗯? |
These friends, aren't so friendly! | |
这些朋友,有点不太友好啊! |
They don't like visitors! | |
他们不欢迎外人! |
Hey uh, I'm just passing through! | |
嘿,唔,我只是路过而已啊! |
Sputnik means no harm! | |
史普尼克对你们没威胁啊! |
This land is very nice! | |
这儿还挺不错! |
A beautiful country! | |
真是个美丽的国度啊! |
What's over here? | |
那儿有什么? |
Yes, I like! | |
好啊,我喜欢! |
Ahh, very nice! | |
啊,太棒了! |
I make myself at home here! | |
像在家里一样舒服! |
It smells good there, yes? | |
感觉闻起来不错啊,是吧? |
Ahh, no more bath time? | |
啊,不能洗澡了吗? |
We should dry off! | |
该把身子烤烤干啦! |
Let's go to the beach! | |
走,去沙滩! |
Ahh yes, the water's very nice! | |
啊,好呀,风平浪静! |
Maybe we can go fishing! | |
也许我们可以去钓个鱼! |
Water's warm, yes? | |
水是温的,是吧? |
Friends, I'm coming home! | |
朋友们,我要回家了! |
Well, that was fun! | |
嗯,还挺有意思的! |
Maybe they're more friendly! | |
也许他们没那么坏呢! |
I'll make myself at home here! | |
感觉到家了! |
Ahh, finally! | |
啊,终于! |
Time to settle down! | |
是时候定居了! |
Looks like a safe neighborhood! | |
周边似乎没危险! |