苏联 | |
机动远程弹道火箭平台,只需一发便将整座城市夷为平地。 |
V4, standing by! | |
V4在此,准备战斗! |
Warheads, primed! | |
弹头装填完毕! |
Mobile rocket launcher! | |
移动火箭发射装置! |
V4! | |
V4报到! |
Ready to fire! | |
准备开火! |
Platform armed! | |
平台已启用武装! |
Safety measures, check! | |
安全措施,检查完毕! |
Standing by for coordinates! | |
等候坐标! |
Commander, sir! | |
您好,指挥官! |
New target, sir? | |
有新目标吗,长官? |
Again, fire! | |
再来一发! |
Re-arm, quickly! | |
装弹,快! |
We're fully engaged, sir! | |
全面交战中,长官! |
Maintain firing sequence! | |
持续开火! |
We're taking hits! | |
遭受攻击! |
We're out in the open! | |
我们暴露了! |
They have us targeted! | |
敌方瞄准了我们! |
Where is our escort? | |
护卫在哪? |
Damage report! | |
报告我们受损了! |
V4 to command! We're under fire! | |
V4呼叫指挥官!我们正遭受攻击! |
Received! | |
收到! |
Confirmed! | |
确认! |
Resetting! | |
重新设定目的地! |
Positioning! | |
改变位置! |
Steady! | |
平稳行进! |
Yes sir! | |
遵命,长官! |
Understood! | |
明白! |
Coordinates check! | |
坐标无误! |
Ready the fire sequence! | |
准备连续开火! |
Target confirm! | |
目标确认! |
Prepare for Launch! | |
准备发射! |
Ready the platform! | |
平台准备作战! |
Got the coordinates! | |
已收到坐标! |
Setting target range! | |
设定目标范围! |
This is it, comrades! | |
就要这样,同志们! |
Entering launch code! | |
输入发射指令! |
Fall back! | |
撤退! |
Headquarters, we’re on the way! | |
总部,我们正在撤退! |
Clear for regroup! | |
为重新部署清场! |
Retreat order confirmed! | |
撤退指令已确认! |
Hurry, before we end up like the V3! | |
快撤,别像V3那样! |
Fire! | |
开火! |
Target set! | |
目标已设定! |
Fire when ready! | |
准备好了就开火! |
Ignition! | |
点火! |
We got them, sir! | |
锁定敌人了,长官! |
Warheads, launch! | |
火箭弹头,发射! |
Area target set! | |
目标区域已设定! |
Take the whole area out! | |
夷平整个区域! |
Fire the Multi-Warhead! | |
发射分裂弹头! |
Send the barrage! | |
发射火箭弹幕! |
Dispersion damage checked! | |
散布式攻击确认! |