皇室家族 | |
瑞科本是一个肚子里装着弹球的机器人,这款极限充能皮肤将弹球替换为了游戏中的货币宝石、矿洞宝石和闪闪币。 |
I bring the bling. | |
我带来闪闪币。 |
Ready to rule. | |
准备统领一切。 |
I am so shiny! | |
我如此闪耀! |
Go me! | |
我上了! |
Locked and absolutely loaded. | |
填弹完毕,锁定目标! |
Just another regular day at the top of the world. | |
又是世界冠军平平无奇的一天。 |
Loaded and bleeding. | |
填弹完毕,血流不止。 |
Royal power! | |
皇室之力! |
Bow to the bling king! | |
给闪闪币之王跪下! |
Ruling and rizzing. | |
统领战场,魅力十足。 |
Regal ruler of rampage. | |
皇室帝王大暴走。 |
Victory is my birth right. | |
我的胜利与生俱来。 |
That was rather painful. | |
真是遭罪。 |
Respect the royal ruler. | |
服从皇室法则。 |
Bling bot goes owie owie. | |
闪闪币机器人痛得嗷嗷叫。 |
Envy is a terrible thing. | |
嫉妒可不是件好事。 |
Watch the crown jewels. | |
当心点皇冠上的珠宝。 |
But I am rich. | |
但我很有钱。 |
Brawl King in the house. | |
乱斗之王在此。 |
Ha ha ha ha... | |
哈哈哈哈…… |
You got bestified. | |
你还是死了最好。 |
Your services are no longer needed. | |
不用你伺候了。 |
Royal pwnage. | |
皇室主宰战场。 |
Pain is for peasants. | |
痛苦留给劣民。 |
I got gains to my veins. | |
我血管里流淌着战利品。 |
Loaded and laughing. | |
弹药管够,笑到最后。 |
Royal pain. | |
皇室之痛。 |
Oh the indignity! | |
噢,真是无礼! |
Don't look at me. | |
别看我。 |
Royal ruler regrets rough housing. | |
这种打闹就不该让皇室帝王出马。 |
I shall return to my throne. | |
我要回到我的王座。 |
I shall return... | |
我要回到…… |
Blue-blooded mortality. | |
贵族必杀技。 |
Royal rampage! | |
皇室暴走! |
Royal roulette. | |
皇室轮盘赌。 |
Just a regular day in the throne room. | |
只是皇位上平平无奇的一天。 |
Scatter peasants. | |
驱逐劣民。 |