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汉克是捕虾小天才,是优秀的捕鱼坦克指挥官。正所谓缺啥补啥,汉克几乎从不离开他的超大型坦克。对于汉克来说,一虾一坦就是一支军队。他肩负着解救海洋生物的任务,厨房和海鲜市场就是他的战场。厨师们可得当心了!他的语音包含很多出自《全金属外壳》的台词。 |
I might be a shrimp, but I ain't no wimp! | |
我也许只是个小虾米,但可不像懦夫哭唧唧! |
Time to rally the troops! | |
准备集结部队! |
I was prawn ready! | |
我刚生虾来就准备好了! |
I'll give you shrimp cocktail! | |
给你点鸡尾酒虾尝尝! |
Ay, who ordered the shrimp? | |
哎,谁点的这盘虾? |
I'm a whale! | |
我可是头巨鲸! |
Something smells fishy. | |
闻着有些鱼腥味 |
Time for a shrimpy skirmish! | |
准备虾场作战! |
Let me see your war face! | |
让我看看你的战争姿态! |
I love the smell of seafood in the morning, smells like victory! | |
我喜欢清晨的海鲜,闻起来就像胜利的味道! |
I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down! | |
我会用力的吹啊吹,把你的房子给吹倒! |
Left, right, left, right, I'm so ready for a fight! | |
左三圈,右三圈,我已准备好应战! |
Haha! I'm in the Krill Zone! | |
哈哈!我已经横扫千虾了! |
Heheheh... Master of the krilling field! | |
嘿嘿嘿嘿,虾场大师就是我! |
I'm a prawn star! | |
捕虾达人就是我! |
You will not laugh, you will not cry. You will learn by the numbers, and I will teach you! | |
你笑不出来,也哭不出来。我会教你在数字中吸取教训! |
Left, right, left, right, I'm the one who won the fight! | |
左三圈,右三圈,赢下战斗就这么简单! |
Ugh! | |
啊! |
Oh, this means war! | |
哦,这是要宣战了! |
Rghh! | |
啊! |
There will be retaliation. | |
你会遭报应的 |
I will rain shellfire upon you. | |
我会射穿你的 |
Stop shelling! | |
停止射击! |
Oh, I'm a limp shrimp! | |
哦,这虾完蛋了! |
I'm a claw-abiding citizen! | |
我遵纪守法,从不乱出爪! |
You can't handle the crust! | |
碰到硬茬没办法啦! |
I've got brains... and prawn! | |
我四肢发达,头脑也不抓虾! |
Hahaha... Lobster mobster! | |
哈哈...干掉虾头头了! |
Huaa... Check out the muscles on this! | |
哈...看看这强健的肌肉! |
Krilling... in the name of! | |
以虾之名! |
Haha, got krills to pay the bills! | |
哈哈,抓到小虾米帮我顶账! |
One, two, three, four! I just swept you off the floor! | |
只需四秒不多不少,让你马上跪地求饶! |
Hope you get food poisoning! | |
希望你食物中毒! |
Oh, crab cake! | |
哦,我真的会蟹! |
Ah, feeling clammy! | |
啊,又湿又冷! |
Oh, I got shell-shocked! | |
哦,看到炮弹我就害怕! |
I conked out! | |
我完蛋了! |
Oh, ready for the seafood buffet. | |
哦,准备享受海鲜自助餐吧 |
The horror... the horror! | |
恐惧...绝望! |
Time to re-sprawn. | |
这虾得重生了 |
I don't want to play no more. Time to go I'll find the door. | |
情况真是不太妙,找到出口赶快逃 |
Hyahh! Check out my pincer maneuver! | |
呀!尝尝我的巨螯攻击! |
Full speed, all directions! | |
四面八方,全速射击! |
Go fish! | |
去抓鱼了! |
Attack Formation Oscar Papa! | |
保持进攻队形! |
Bubble Blow | |
吹起泡泡 |
Bubble Burst | |
泡泡爆炸 |
DryFire SFX | |
子弹耗尽 |
Reload SFX | |
填弹音效 |
Ulti SFX | |
大招音效 |