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凯特是一名卡通动画巨星,但如今被困在星妙卡通工作室,重复着给狂热粉丝签名的动作。他时常幻想自己能重新得到业界认可,因演技而受人尊敬,而不是只凭外表。语音多和猫咪有关。 |
Thrilled to be here, really! | |
来到这里好激动啊,说真的! |
Wow, I'm a cat! Try to get over it! | |
哇哦,我是只猫啊!别被角色困住了! |
Meow! Sorry, got caught up in the moment. | |
喵!不好意思,入戏太深了 |
Cat's out of the bag! | |
秘密已经公之于众了! |
Don't start believing! | |
别这么轻易相信! |
Eh... where... where did that small red dot go? | |
哎?那个小红点去哪儿了? |
Oh, did I smell tuna? | |
噢,我闻到了金枪鱼的味道? |
Come on, let's get physical, physical! | |
来,让我们活动活动筋骨!筋骨! |
Has it really come to this? | |
真的沦落于此了吗? |
Have waited all my nine lives for this moment. | |
我的九条命都在等待这一刻 |
I'm a cat, of course I win. | |
我是只猫,当然得我赢 |
Live, love, laugh, and lick. | |
勇敢生活,大胆去爱,放声大笑,当然还有舔舔毛 |
Something smells fishy here, and I love it! | |
这里有点可疑啊,我可太喜欢了! |
Of course, I'm paw-some! | |
那是当然,本猫也是颜值担当! |
Now it's per-r-rsonal. | |
这下子可是个人恩怨了 |
But I'm a cat! | |
我只是只猫啊! |
(Threatening Hiss) | |
(威胁的嘶嘶声) |
(Threatening Meow) | |
(威胁的猫叫声) |
Meow! | |
喵! |
You aren't kitten around, are you? | |
你不是在开玩笑吧你? |
Claws are out! Free facelift! | |
双爪已出鞘,给你免费来点脸部改造! |
Crying cat face. | |
哭泣猫猫头 |
Mark my claws, you'll remember this moment. | |
看清我的爪子,我会让你记住这一刻 |
Now it's my turn! | |
现在该轮到我了! |
Meow! | |
喵! |
Per-r-rfect! | |
完美! |
You are gonna cry, aren't you? | |
你不会是要哭了吧? |
Cat's got your tongue? Yes, I have! | |
怎么?被猫抓到舌头了不说话了?还真是! |
You've got a face for failure! | |
你的脸早已记录了失败! |
Smartphones? Stupid people! | |
智能手机?智障人类! |
Feline good! | |
感觉很喵! |
Making everyone else look good! Well done! | |
让其他人显得更厉害!干得不错! |
You aimed low, and managed to miss the mark. | |
目标设得这么低,却还没达到预期 |
Ha! What a catastrophe! | |
哈!多灾多难! |
Catastrophic! | |
大难当头! |
Gonna start running out of lives! | |
命数快用完了! |
Ah, finally some rest. | |
啊,终于能好好休息了 |
Was this ever fun? | |
这真的有意思吗? |
Back to the internet! | |
回到网络咯! |
Eh, gotta go lick myself! | |
唉,回去打理一下自己! |
Meow! | |
喵! |
Meow! | |
喵! |
Meow! | |
喵! |
Meow! | |
喵! |
Feline frenzy! | |
疯狂猫咪! |
Pounce, flounce, and bounce! | |
我扑,我跑,我跳! |
Friends forever! | |
永远的朋友! |
You are stuck with me-ow! | |
本喵算是粘上你了! |
Claws of Love! | |
爱之利爪! |
Atk SFX | |
普攻音效 |
Fight Ulti | |
大招音效 |
Ulti Atk | |
大招释放 |