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摩羯座斯图是游戏推出的第二个星座皮肤,语音修改自原皮斯图和运动健将斯图。 |
Safety last! | |
安全倒数第一! |
I'll show you crazy. | |
让你见识一下什么是疯狂 |
Hey kids, watch this! | |
嘿孩子们,看这招! |
Do it for all the lonely cats out there. | |
都是为了这里所有孤单的小猫才做的 |
I'm Cruisin' for a Bruisin'! | |
我又搞砸了! |
Time to burn some brawlers! | |
该烧点乱斗英雄了! |
Spectacular Stu is here for you! | |
炫酷斯图在这等你! |
Who want some autograph? | |
谁想要签名? |
Spectacular Stu merchandise now for sale. | |
炫酷斯图周边正在出售 |
SMELL MY FUMES! Ha ha... | |
闻我排出的烟尘吧!哈哈... |
I'm one lean mean winning machine. | |
我是一台高效的获胜机器 |
This moment is sponsored by Colt Crunch Cereal! | |
此处精彩瞬间由柯尔特咀嚼麦片赞助! |
Winners munch on Colt Crunch. | |
获胜者咀嚼柯尔特麦片根本停不下来 |
It’s nothing! | |
没什么大碍! |
Ugh! | |
啊! |
If only I can feel pain. | |
要是我能感受到痛苦的话就好了 |
This machine is getting mean! | |
这个机器越来越刻薄了! |
Nerd Alert! | |
傻瓜警告! |
Hahahaha! I got you! | |
哈哈哈哈,干掉你了吧! |
Get used to it. | |
习惯这种感觉吧 |
You failed the crash test! | |
你碰撞测试没过! |
Spectacular Stu! | |
华丽绽放的斯图! |
Keep the burn marks as a souvenir. | |
留下这些烧伤疤痕做为纪念品吧 |
Crash and burn, respawn, return! | |
战败燃烧,重整待发! |
I'm ok I think! | |
我感觉我很好! |
I'm only a bit broken! | |
我只是状态不太好! |
Failure, builds character. | |
失败,塑造性格 |
Woah! Look at all those stars! | |
哇哦!看这些星星! |
Wasted! | |
白给了! |
Dash pash and crash! | |
激情冲撞,碾压全场! |
Rush! Crash! | |
冲啊!撞啊! |
Excellent! | |
堪称完美! |
Spectacular! | |
炫酷特技! |
Hahahaha... | |
哈哈哈…… |
Lobby SFX | |
大厅音效 |
Atk SFX | |
普攻音效 |
Kill SFX | |
击杀音效 |
Ulti SFX | |
大招音效 |