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== D.Va ==
|hero1=Symmetra|File1=00000000AF56.0B2|en1=Armor... how positively medieval.|zh1=护甲……中世纪的老古董。
|hero1=D.Va|file1=00000005F126.0B2|en1=I heard you're a good dancer. You should try to beat my high score in Dance Floor!|zh1=听说你跳舞很厉害。有本事打破我在“炫舞之地”上的高分纪录吗?
|hero2=Reinhardt|File2=00000000AE83.0B2|en2=I will take that as a compliment, my lady.|zh2=我会把这当作是赞美,女士。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=00000005F10B.0B2|en2=Have you checked the scoreboard recently?|zh2=你多久没看排行榜了?
|hero3=D.Va|file3=0000000640CD.0B2|en3=(gasp) You didn't...!|zh3=(吸气)不会吧……!
== 查莉娅 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|File1=000000043E93.0B2|en1=Doomfist, you are mistaken_ only with order can humanity evolve.|zh1=末日铁拳,你错了。只有秩序才能让人类进步。
|hero1=Zarya|file1=000000063C3C.0B2|en1=Vaswani. My boss, Katya, is being difficult lately. What do you advise?|zh1=法斯瓦尼,我的老板卡特娅最近遇上了……一些困难。你有什么建议吗?
|hero2=Doomfist|File2=000000049C88.0B2|en2=Order. Chaos. Means to an end.|zh2=秩序,混乱。殊途同归。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647CE.0B2|en2=Always say what you believe. If they're not willing to listen, they don't deserve your time.|zh2=把你的想法如实说出来就好。如果她不愿意聆听,那么她就不值得你操心。
|hero3=Zarya|file3=000000063C41.0B2|en3=(Thoughtful grunt)|zh3=(若有所思的闷哼)
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647CF.0B2|en1=With a few optimizations, that weapon of yours could probably be much lighter.|zh1=你的武器如果进行一些优化,还可以变得更加轻巧。
|hero2=Zarya|file2=000000063C3D.0B2|en2=But then it would not be so good for smashing faces.|zh2=但那样的话,用它打脸的时候就不好用了。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647D3.0B2|en1=I admire your discipline. It is a rare quality in the world.|zh1=我敬佩你的自律能力。这世上能够做到自律的人少之又少。
|hero2=Zarya|file2=000000064A3F.0B2|en2=Not that rare. Some people look strong. Some are strong inside.|zh2=也没有那么少。有些人强于外表,有些人强自内心。
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000647D4.0B2|en3=And you are both?|zh3=你呢?两者兼具?
|hero4=Zarya|file4=000000064A40.0B2|en4=Yes, I am both.|zh4=没错,我两者兼具。
== 温斯顿 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647DD.0B2|en1=You smell strongly of artificial coconut.|zh1=你身上的人造椰子味好浓。
|hero2=Winston|file2=0000000668EA.0B2|en2=Do you like it? Lena got me a six pack of 'Coco Island' shampoo. I used the whole bottle!|zh2=你喜欢吗?莉娜给我买了六瓶装的“可可岛”洗发水。我用光了一整瓶!
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000647DE.0B2|en3=(Disgust) That is excessive.|zh3=(厌恶)味道太冲了。
== 破坏球 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647CA.0B2|en1=Your grapple looks rather thin. How much weight can it bear?|zh1=你的抓钩看起来很细。它能承受多少重量?
|hero2=Wrecking Ball|file2=0000000639B9.0B2|en2=One mech, 2 hamsters.|zh2=一台机甲,两只仓鼠。
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000647CB.0B2|en3=Oh, is there seating for another in there?|zh3=哦,那里面还有一个座位吗?
|hero4=Wrecking Ball|file4=00000006395A.0B2|en4=No. The mammal eats a lot.|zh4=不,小动物饭量较大。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647D8.0B2|en1=(Sniffs) Something smells foul. Is it you, rodent?|zh1=(闻)有一股臭味。是你吗,啮齿动物?
|hero2=Wrecking Ball|file2=000000063EB5.0B2|en2=Exhaust port fan power increased by 600%.|zh2=排气口风扇功率已提高600%。
== 莱因哈特 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=000000052BA2.0B2|en1=Armor... how positively medieval.|zh1=护甲……中世纪的老古董。
|hero2=Reinhardt|file2=00000000AE83.0B2|en2=I will take that as a compliment, my lady.|zh2=我会把这当作是赞美,女士。
== 西格玛 ==
|hero1=Sigma|file1=000000063BC8.0B2|en1=Your work is to be admired! Form and function, working in harmony.|zh1=你的杰作令人赞叹!形式与功能兼具,和谐统一……
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647CC.0B2|en2=Form is vital to function. The two are inseparable, like movement and music.|zh2=形式对功能而言至关重要。两者密不可分,就像运动之于音乐。
|hero3=Sigma|file3=000000063BC9.0B2|en3=Ah, well… perhaps I will take your word for it.|zh3=啊,这个嘛……你说的也有道理。
== 末日铁拳 ==
|hero1=Doomfist|file1=000000041442.0B2|en1=Symmetra... I am familiar with your work. I look forward to seeing it in person.|zh1=我知道你有什么本事,“秩序之光”。我很想亲眼看看。
|hero1=Doomfist|file1=000000041442.0B2|en1=Symmetra... I am familiar with your work. I look forward to seeing it in person.|zh1=我知道你有什么本事,“秩序之光”。我很想亲眼看看。
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|hero3=Symmetra|file3=000000043E97.0B2|en3=My purpose is to create order. You are the embodiment of chaos.|zh3=我的目的是创造秩序。而你则是混乱的化身。
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=000000043E97.0B2|en3=My purpose is to create order. You are the embodiment of chaos.|zh3=我的目的是创造秩序。而你则是混乱的化身。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=000000043E93.0B2|en1=Doomfist, you are mistaken? only with order can humanity evolve.|zh1=末日铁拳,你错了。只有秩序才能让人类进步。
|hero2=Doomfist|file2=000000049C88.0B2|en2=Order. Chaos. Means to an end.|zh2=秩序,混乱。殊途同归。
== 渣客女王 ==
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=0000000640D7.0B2|en1=What's the biggest axe you could make out of hard light?|zh1=拿高强度光束做斧子,最大能做多大?
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647E4.0B2|en2=A kilometer tall? But you would not be able to wield it.|zh2=能做到一千米那么高。但你是挥不动它的。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=0000000640D8.0B2|en3=Maybe you wouldn't.|zh3=只是你抡不动罢了。
== 拉玛刹 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647D1.0B2|en1=Your invasion has left millions in disarray.|zh1=你发动的入侵搅乱了数百万人的生活。
|hero2=Ramattra|file2=000000064006.0B2|en2=Harsh words, considering that your corporation benefits at their expense. You're welcome, by the way.|zh2=这话说得太重了,毕竟你们公司从他们的开销里赚了不少。当然了,不用谢我。
== 毛加 ==
|hero1=Mauga|file1=000000066A23.0B2|en1=So you're a dancer, huh? I enjoy it myself.|zh1=你是个跳舞的,对吧?我喜欢舞蹈。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000068670.0B2|en2=That is something of a surprise. What style do you prefer?|zh2=这可真让人意外。你喜欢哪种类型的舞蹈?
|hero3=Mauga|file3=000000066A26.0B2|en3=Oh, I make other people dance. With my bullets.|zh3=哦,我喜欢用子弹让别人跳舞。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=000000068673.0B2|en1=Vishkar is offering a large sum for your arrest.|zh1=为了抓捕你,费斯卡悬赏了一大笔钱。
|hero2=Mauga|file2=000000066A21.0B2|en2=And what, they sent you to intimidate me?|zh2=然后呢,他们就派你来吓唬我?
== 半藏 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=000000036D07.0B2|en1=Order and discipline, that is the only way to live.|zh1=秩序和纪律是生存的唯一途径。
|hero2=Hanzo|file2=00000003605A.0B2|en2=I sense a kindred spirit.|zh2=啊,我深有同感。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000621D1.0B2|en1=Your quiver is crooked.|zh1=你的箭袋歪了。
|hero2=Hanzo|file2=00000005E42C.0B2|en2=Ah. Thank you.|zh2=啊。谢谢提醒。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647D6.0B2|en1=Why did you leave your organization?|zh1=你为什么离开了你之前的组织?
|hero2=Hanzo|file2=0000000644BC.0B2|en2=I could not bear being the man they'd made of me.|zh2=我无法容忍自己变成他们希望塑造的模样。
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000647D7.0B2|en3=How did you know it was the right decision?|zh3=你怎么知道那是正确的决定?
|hero4=Hanzo|file4=0000000644BD.0B2|en4=I didn't.|zh4=我并不知道。
== 回声 ==
|hero1=Echo|file1=0000000643F0.0B2|en1=When I don't replicate human behaviors, I am misunderstood. Are my algorithms insufficient?|zh1=在没有复制人类行为的时候,我会被人误解。是因为我的算法存在缺陷吗?
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647D9.0B2|en2=You operate on a level inaccessible to others. I do not see that as a weakness.|zh2=毕竟你的思维他人难以企及。在我眼里,这并不是缺点。
== 士兵:76 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647E3.0B2|en1=Vigilantes have no place in the world we’re building.|zh1=我们创造的世界里不需要蒙面义警。
|hero2=Soldier_ 76|file2=000000062F6C.0B2|en2=And Vishkar has no place in mine.|zh2=我的世界里也不需要费斯卡。
== 托比昂 ==
|hero1=Torbjörn|file1=00000000ADA0.0B2|en1=(chuckles) There's something on your dress.|zh1=(窃笑)你的裙子上有什么东西。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=00000000AF76.0B2|en2=No. There isn't.|zh2=不,绝对没有。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000000AF1D.0B2|en1=I am impressed. I would not think such crude creations actually function.|zh1=令我印象深刻。我本以为如此粗糙的设计不会管用。
|hero2=Torbjörn|file2=00000001FFEF.0B2|en2=Why, thank you. I must admit I'm surprised--hey.|zh2=怎么了,不过还是谢谢你。我必须承认我也有点惊讶——嘿嘿……
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000000AF56.0B2|en1=Armor... how positively medieval.|zh1=护甲……中世纪的老古董。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000000AF56.0B2|en1=Armor... how positively medieval.|zh1=护甲……中世纪的老古董。
第48行: 第122行:
|hero1=Torbjörn|file1=00000000ADA0.0B2|en1=*chuckles* There's something on your dress.|zh1=*窃笑*你的裙子上有什么东西。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000621D2.0B2|en1=You often call your inventions beautiful.|zh1=你总是用“美丽”描述你的发明。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=00000000AF76.0B2|en2=No. There isn't.|zh2=不,绝对没有。
|hero2=Torbjörn|file2=00000006123A.0B2|en2=And they are.|zh2=它们真的很美。
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000621D3.0B2|en3=It seems beauty is in the eye of the beholder.|zh3=大概这就是“情人眼里出西施”吧。
== 法老之鹰 ==
|hero1=Pharah|file1=00000004CE16.0B2|en1=Helix should keep the peace in Vishkar developments.|zh1=海力士会保证费斯卡公司财产的安全。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000043E99.0B2|en2=We do not need an army to keep the peace. We prefer our own methods.|zh2=我们不需要军队来维护和平。我们有自己的方式。
== 狂鼠 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=000000043E94.0B2|en1=When I look at you, I see pure unadulterated chaos.|zh1=看着你的时候,我看到的只有纯粹的混乱。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=0000000572B7.0B2|en2=Is it the bombs? You don't like the bombs?|zh2=你是说我的炸弹吗?你不喜欢炸弹?
== 美 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000621D4.0B2|en1=I can't imagine you're here to do research. Why are you fighting?|zh1=没想到你会来这里做研究。你战斗的意义是什么?
|hero2=Mei|file2=0000000623DA.0B2|en2=I'm here to make a difference in the world. Just like you, right?|zh2=我来这里是为了改变世界。和你一样,不是吗?
|hero1=Mei|file1=000000064635.0B2|en1=Do you ever make snowflakes with your light?|zh1=你用那些光束做过雪花吗?
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647D5.0B2|en2=Regularly. Their repetitive patterns bring peace to my mind.|zh2=我经常做。它们不断重复的图案能让我的心灵获得平静。
|hero3=Mei|file3=000000064636.0B2|en3=Great! We can build a snow fortress!|zh3=太棒了!我们可以一起搭一座冰雪城堡!
== 猎空 ==
|hero1=Tracer|file1=000000066F4B.0B2|en1=Think you could spiff up my chronal accelerator with hard light?|zh1=你能用高强度光束帮我装饰一下时空加速器吗?
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000066F50.0B2|en2=Potentially. Are you envisioning something in particular?|zh2=或许可以。你有什么具体的想法吗?
|hero3=Tracer|file3=000000066F4F.0B2|en3=What about... a record that spins when I recall?|zh3=能不能做成……一张唱片?我闪回的时候让它转圈。
|hero4=Tracer|file4=000000066F4A.0B2|en4=How about... a falcon that flaps its wings when I run?|zh4=要不就做成……一只猎鹰吧?我跑步的时候让它扇翅膀。
|hero5=Tracer|file5=000000066F4E.0B2|en5=Maybe... a plane that does a barrel roll when I dodge?|zh5=我想试试……一架飞机?我躲闪的时候让它做横滚动作。
|hero6=Symmetra|file6=000000066F4C.0B2|en6=That is doable. I will send you a quote.|zh6=可以实现。我会把报价发给你。
== 艾什 ==
|hero1=Ashe|file1=000000065427.0B2|en1=Your company likes making headlines.|zh1=你们公司可真喜欢上头条。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647D2.0B2|en2=Yes. A natural byproduct of repairing a chaotic world.|zh2=是的。要想修复混乱的世界,自然就会伴随这种事情。
|hero3=Ashe|file3=000000065428.0B2|en3=Hmpfh, seems more like a tactic to line their pockets, but what do I know?|zh3=看着更像是他们捞钱的手段。谁知道呢?我就随便说说。
== 黑影 ==
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000054ED8.0B2|en1=What interesting things I've learned about your employers, Ms. Vaswani.|zh1=关于你的老板,我知道一些有趣的事情,法斯瓦尼女士。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000043E9A.0B2|en2=What have you heard.|zh2=你都听说了什么?
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647DF.0B2|en1=What more do you know about LumériCo and Vishkar?|zh1=关于光明科创和费斯卡,你还知道些什么?
|hero2=Sombra|file2=00000006436A.0B2|en2=Ooh... Is the little birdie finally leaving her cage?|zh2=哦……我们的小小鸟终于要离开她的笼子了吗?
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000647E0.0B2|en3=Do not jump to conclusions.|zh3=不要急着妄下定论。
== 索杰恩 ==
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=000000064376.0B2|en1=I saw Vishkar is opening an office in Toronto.|zh1=我听说费斯卡要在多伦多开设一间办公室。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647D0.0B2|en2=Yes... Are you interested in applying?|zh2=是的……难道你有兴趣来吗?
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=000000064377.0B2|en3=(chuckles) I'd rather clean cattle pens in Alberta.|zh3=(笑)那我宁愿去阿尔伯塔扫牛棚。
== 卢西奥 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000000AF1D.0B2|en1=I am impressed. I would not think such crude creations actually function.|zh1=令我印象深刻。我本以为如此粗糙的设计不会管用。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000001FD07.0B2|en1=To think I should have to work with a street ruffian.|zh1=我不得不和一切街头混混合作。
|hero2=Torbjörn|file2=00000001FFEF.0B2|en2=Why, thank you. I must admit I'm surprised--hey.|zh2=怎么了,不过还是谢谢你。我必须承认我也有点惊讶——嘿嘿……
|hero2=Lúcio|file2=0000000216BD.0B2|en2=I'm not all that excited about this arrangement either.|zh2=我也不太喜欢和你一起合作。
|hero1=Pharah|File1=00000004CE16.0B2|en1=Helix should keep the peace in Vishkar developments.|zh1=海力士会保证费斯卡公司财产的安全。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000001FD09.0B2|en1=You should return what you stole from Vishkar.|zh1=你得把你从费斯卡集团这儿偷走的东西还回来。
|hero2=Symmetra|File2=000000043E99.0B2|en2=We do not need an army to keep the peace. We prefer our own methods.|zh2=我们不需要军队来维护和平。我们有自己的方式。
|hero2=Lúcio|file2=0000000216BC.0B2|en2=Stole? (scoffs) You need to go ask your bosses where it all came from, then we can talk.|zh2=偷走?(scoff)你该问问你的老板这是从哪儿来的,然后我们再谈谈。
|hero1=Sombra|File1=000000054ED8.0B2|en1=What interesting things I've learned about your employers, Ms. Vaswani.|zh1=关于你的老板,我知道一些有趣的事情,法斯瓦妮女士。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000001FD08.0B2|en1=Vishkar is building a better future for humanity.|zh1=费斯卡正在为人类构建一个更好的未来。
|hero2=Symmetra|File2=000000043E9A.0B2|en2=What have you heard.|zh2=你都听说了什么?
|hero2=Lúcio|file2=00000000B511.0B2|en2=(laughs) You believe that? I don't even know what to tell you.|zh2=(笑)你居然相信?我真的不知道该说什么了。
|hero1=Symmetra|File1=00000001FD07.0B2|en1=To think I should have to work with a street ruffian.|zh1=我不得不和一切街头混混合作。
|hero1=Lúcio|file1=0000000216C0.0B2|en1=What you Vishkar will never understand is that people should be free!|zh1=你们费斯卡人永远不会明白的是,人们应该是自由的!
|hero2=Lúcio|File2=0000000216BD.0B2|en2=I'm not all that excited about this arrangement either.|zh2=我也不太喜欢和你一起合作。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=00000001FD0A.0B2|en2=What you call freedom is an illusion that causes more harm than good.|zh2=你口中的自由只是一种幻觉,而这种幻觉会造成很多问题。
|hero1=Symmetra|File1=00000001FD08.0B2|en1=Vishkar is building a better future for humanity.|zh1=费斯卡正在为人类构建一个更好的未来。
|hero1=Lúcio|file1=00000002B7A4.0B2|en1=Vishkar's using you, just like they used my father. You just wait. You'll see.|zh1=费斯卡是在利用你,就像利用我父亲一样。等着瞧吧。
|hero2=Lúcio|File2=00000000B511.0B2|en2=(laughs) You believe that_ I don't even know what to tell you.|zh2=(笑)你居然相信?我真的不知道该说什么了。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=00000002EE63.0B2|en2=Your father was a Vishkar employee. He understood our company's vision. A shame he never educated you.|zh2=你父亲是费斯卡的员工。他完全理解公司的理念。真遗憾他没有传授给你。
|hero1=Symmetra|File1=00000001FD09.0B2|en1=You should return what you stole from Vishkar.|zh1=你得把你从费斯卡集团这儿偷走的东西还回来。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000621D6.0B2|en1=I've been listening to your new music.|zh1=我最近一直在听你的新歌。
|hero2=Lúcio|File2=0000000216BC.0B2|en2=Stole_ (scoffs) You need to go ask your bosses where it all came from, then we can talk.|zh2=偷走?(scoff)你该问问你的老板这是从哪儿来的,然后我们再谈谈。
|hero2=Lúcio|file2=000000061D67.0B2|en2=Why? Is Vishkar doing research on me or something?|zh2=怎么?是费斯卡在对我做什么研究吗?
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000621D7.0B2|en3=No. I am intrigued by how the sound moves behind my eyes when I listen.|zh3=不。我只是好奇为什么听歌时会感觉声音在眼睛后面来回穿梭。
|hero4=Lúcio|file4=000000061D83.0B2|en4=Oh, that's because it's binaural! Uh, glad you like it.|zh4=哦,因为我用了立体声!呃,你喜欢就好。
|hero1=Lúcio|File1=0000000216C0.0B2|en1=What you Vishkar will never understand is that people should be free!|zh1=你们费斯卡人永远不会明白的是,人们应该是自由的!
|hero1=Lúcio|file1=0000000637CB.0B2|en1=Did your bosses ever rebuild that favela? You know, the one that mysteriously burned down?|zh1=你的老板重建过那片贫民区吗?就是被神秘火灾烧毁的那一片。
|hero2=Symmetra|File2=00000001FD0A.0B2|en2=What you call freedom is an illusion that causes more harm than good.|zh2=你口中的自由只是一种幻觉,而这种幻觉会造成很多问题。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=0000000647E1.0B2|en2=I am told it is on the backlog.|zh2=我得到的消息是,该项目还在待建列表中。
|hero3=Lúcio|file3=0000000637CC.0B2|en3=Funny how that sort of project always gets… deprioritized.|zh3=真可笑,这种项目他们怎么总不当回事。
== 安娜 ==
|hero1=Lúcio|File1=00000002B7A4.0B2|en1=Vishkar's using you, just like they used my father. You just wait. You'll see.|zh1=费斯卡是在利用你,就像利用我父亲一样。等着瞧吧。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647DC.0B2|en1=A peaceful reality is within our reach.|zh1=和平的现实触手可及。
|hero2=Symmetra|File2=00000002EE63.0B2|en2=Your father was a Vishkar employee. He understood our company's vision. A shame he never educated you.|zh2=你父亲是费斯卡的员工。他完全理解公司的理念。真遗憾他没有传授给你。
|hero2=Ana|file2=0000000640F3.0B2|en2=I wish I could believe that.|zh2=我倒是希望如此。
== 禅雅塔 ==
|hero1=Zenyatta|file1=000000044269.0B2|en1=Symmetra, you speak of law and of order, but you must know that life is chaotic by its very nature.|zh1=秩序之光,你一直在说规律与秩序,但你必须明白,生命的本质乃是混沌。
|hero1=Zenyatta|file1=000000044269.0B2|en1=Symmetra, you speak of law and of order, but you must know that life is chaotic by its very nature.|zh1=秩序之光,你一直在说规律与秩序,但你必须明白,生命的本质乃是混沌。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000043E9C.0B2|en2=To be lectured about chaos and disorder from a machine.|zh2=一台机器居然在给我讲什么叫混乱与无序。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000043E9C.0B2|en2=To be lectured about chaos and disorder from a machine.|zh2=一台机器居然在给我讲什么叫混乱与无序。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647DA.0B2|en1=It is good to see you again, Tekhartha.|zh1=很高兴再次见到你,泰哈撒。
|hero2=Zenyatta|file2=0000000635D5.0B2|en2=Likewise, Satya. I hope to repay you for your generosity at our temple.|zh2=我也有同感,塞特娅。我希望能报答你对我寺的慷慨之情。
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=0000000647CD.0B2|en3=With the wisdom you shared... you already have.|zh3=你所分享的智慧……就已经是回报了。
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=0000000647DB.0B2|en1=I wonder if I have changed for the better or worse.|zh1=我想知道我是变得更好了还是更坏了。
|hero2=Zenyatta|file2=000000063FE6.0B2|en2=Change often comes uninvited. What you make of it is up to you.|zh2=改变往往不期而至。如何看待改变则取决于你。
== 莫伊拉 ==
|hero1=Moira|file1=000000045B0F.0B2|en1=Look at this world, Symmetra. See what science has wrought.|zh1=看看这个世界吧,“秩序之光”。看看科学为我们带来了什么。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000043E98.0B2|en2=Of course. Science obeys the laws of nature. It is only to be expected.|zh2=当然了。科学要遵循自然规律。这是意料之中的。
== 生命之梭 ==
|hero1=Lifeweaver|file1=0000000645A6.0B2|en1=Satya, remember our good old days at the academy?|zh1=塞特娅,还记得当年在学院里的那段日子吗?
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000065E32.0B2|en2=You complained constantly about everything, and then you dropped out.|zh2=当时你成天抱怨个不停,然后就退学了。
|hero3=Lifeweaver|file3=0000000645A9.0B2|en3=I saw it as an... early graduation.|zh3=在我看来那叫……提前毕业。
|hero1=Lifeweaver|file1=000000066391.0B2|en1=What do you miss most about the academy, Satya?|zh1=你最怀念学院生活的哪一点,塞特娅?
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000065E34.0B2|en2=Your snoring. It helped me sleep.|zh2=你的呼噜声。有助眠作用。
|hero1=Lifeweaver|file1=00000006637A.0B2|en1=You know, you were the best roommate I've ever had.|zh1=知道吗,在我所有的室友里,你是最棒的。
|hero2=Symmetra|file2=000000065E33.0B2|en2=You were third-best. The other two went to bed at appropriate times.|zh2=而你只能排第三。另外两位都知道按时睡觉。
|hero3=Lifeweaver|file3=00000006637B.0B2|en3=4 AM is perfectly appropriate if you're working on a great idea!|zh3=如果有了绝妙的灵感,凌晨4点睡觉才是真正的按时!
== 伊拉锐 ==
|hero1=Symmetra|file1=00000006866E.0B2|en1=Your pylon is marvelous. Efficient and beautiful.|zh1=你的光塔美妙绝伦,精巧又美丽。
|hero2=Illari|file2=000000068C87.0B2|en2=Doesn't matter how pretty it is if I only use it in ugly situations.|zh2=要是只能被我用在丑陋的场合,再好也没用。
|hero3=Symmetra|file3=00000006866F.0B2|en3=I recently learned the phrase, ?stop to smell the roses.? It applies here, I think.|zh3=我最近学到一句话:“停下脚步,品味花香。”放在这里应该也适用。
== 多人 ==
|hero1=Soldier_ 76|file1=000000062F68.0B2|en1=I was just in the kitchen. Anyone have something they want to confess?|zh1=刚才我就在厨房。谁干的好事?坦白从宽。
|hero2=Winston|file2=000000063765.0B2|en2=Those banana peels are not mine.|zh2=那些香蕉皮不是我扔的。
|hero3=Ashe|file3=000000062D41.0B2|en3=I ain’t a snitch, but let’s just say those corn dogs are gone for good.|zh3=我可不会告密。不过这么说吧,那些玉米热狗彻底没救了。
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=000000062F59.0B2|en4=I was just trying to make a milkshake….|zh4=我只是想做杯奶昔……
|hero5=Mei|file5=00000006463A.0B2|en5=I saw someone steal your leftovers. But I’m afraid to say who.|zh5=我看到有人偷了你的剩饭。但我不敢说是谁。
|hero6=Symmetra|file6=0000000647E2.0B2|en6=It is not my fault your kitchenware melts so easily.|zh6=你的厨具太容易烧化了,不能怪我。
|hero7=Soldier_ 76|file7=000000062F69.0B2|en7=(Tired sigh).|zh7=(疲惫地叹气)
|hero1=Lúcio|file1=0000000614AE.0B2|en1=So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?|zh1=我想问大家一个问题。你们最喜欢什么动物?
|hero7=Symmetra|file7=000000064C4A.0B2|en7=Dragonflies. Such perfect creatures.|zh7=蜻蜓。它们堪称完美。
|hero20=Lúcio|file20=000000061D95.0B2|en20=Uh... yeah, I can see it!|zh20=呃……不愧是你!

2024年8月26日 (一) 23:43的最新版本

< 返回上级:秩序之光


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 D.Va Icon.png

英文I heard you're a good dancer. You should try to beat my high score in Dance Floor!


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Have you checked the scoreboard recently?


OW2 D.Va Icon.png

英文(gasp) You didn't...!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Zarya Icon.png

英文Vaswani. My boss, Katya, is being difficult lately. What do you advise?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Always say what you believe. If they're not willing to listen, they don't deserve your time.


OW2 Zarya Icon.png

英文(Thoughtful grunt)


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文With a few optimizations, that weapon of yours could probably be much lighter.


OW2 Zarya Icon.png

英文But then it would not be so good for smashing faces.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文I admire your discipline. It is a rare quality in the world.


OW2 Zarya Icon.png

英文Not that rare. Some people look strong. Some are strong inside.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文And you are both?


OW2 Zarya Icon.png

英文Yes, I am both.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文You smell strongly of artificial coconut.


OW2 Winston Icon.png

英文Do you like it? Lena got me a six pack of 'Coco Island' shampoo. I used the whole bottle!


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文(Disgust) That is excessive.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Your grapple looks rather thin. How much weight can it bear?


OW2 WreckingBall Icon.png

英文One mech, 2 hamsters.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Oh, is there seating for another in there?


OW2 WreckingBall Icon.png

英文No. The mammal eats a lot.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文(Sniffs) Something smells foul. Is it you, rodent?


OW2 WreckingBall Icon.png

英文Exhaust port fan power increased by 600%.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Armor... how positively medieval.


OW2 Reinhardt Icon.png

英文I will take that as a compliment, my lady.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Sigma Icon.png

英文Your work is to be admired! Form and function, working in harmony.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Form is vital to function. The two are inseparable, like movement and music.


OW2 Sigma Icon.png

英文Ah, well… perhaps I will take your word for it.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Doomfist Icon.png

英文Symmetra... I am familiar with your work. I look forward to seeing it in person.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Should I be worried? I heard you leveled skyscrapers.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文My purpose is to create order. You are the embodiment of chaos.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Doomfist, you are mistaken? only with order can humanity evolve.


OW2 Doomfist Icon.png

英文Order. Chaos. Means to an end.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文What's the biggest axe you could make out of hard light?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文A kilometer tall? But you would not be able to wield it.


OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Maybe you wouldn't.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Your invasion has left millions in disarray.


OW2 Ramattra Icon.png

英文Harsh words, considering that your corporation benefits at their expense. You're welcome, by the way.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Mauga Icon.png

英文So you're a dancer, huh? I enjoy it myself.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文That is something of a surprise. What style do you prefer?


OW2 Mauga Icon.png

英文Oh, I make other people dance. With my bullets.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Vishkar is offering a large sum for your arrest.


OW2 Mauga Icon.png

英文And what, they sent you to intimidate me?



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Order and discipline, that is the only way to live.


OW2 Hanzo Icon.png

英文I sense a kindred spirit.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Your quiver is crooked.


OW2 Hanzo Icon.png

英文Ah. Thank you.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Why did you leave your organization?


OW2 Hanzo Icon.png

英文I could not bear being the man they'd made of me.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文How did you know it was the right decision?


OW2 Hanzo Icon.png

英文I didn't.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Echo Icon.png

英文When I don't replicate human behaviors, I am misunderstood. Are my algorithms insufficient?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文You operate on a level inaccessible to others. I do not see that as a weakness.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Vigilantes have no place in the world we’re building.


OW2 Soldier 76 Icon.png

英文And Vishkar has no place in mine.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文(chuckles) There's something on your dress.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文No. There isn't.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文I am impressed. I would not think such crude creations actually function.


OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文Why, thank you. I must admit I'm surprised--hey.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Armor... how positively medieval.


OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文Everyone's a critic.


OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文Last I checked, I didn't ask for your opinion.


OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文No one asked for your opinion.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文You often call your inventions beautiful.


OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文And they are.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文It seems beauty is in the eye of the beholder.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Pharah Icon.png

英文Helix should keep the peace in Vishkar developments.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文We do not need an army to keep the peace. We prefer our own methods.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文When I look at you, I see pure unadulterated chaos.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Is it the bombs? You don't like the bombs?


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文I can't imagine you're here to do research. Why are you fighting?


OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文I'm here to make a difference in the world. Just like you, right?


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文Do you ever make snowflakes with your light?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Regularly. Their repetitive patterns bring peace to my mind.


OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文Great! We can build a snow fortress!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文Think you could spiff up my chronal accelerator with hard light?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Potentially. Are you envisioning something in particular?


OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文What about... a record that spins when I recall?


OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文How about... a falcon that flaps its wings when I run?


OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文Maybe... a plane that does a barrel roll when I dodge?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文That is doable. I will send you a quote.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Ashe Icon.png

英文Your company likes making headlines.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Yes. A natural byproduct of repairing a chaotic world.


OW2 Ashe Icon.png

英文Hmpfh, seems more like a tactic to line their pockets, but what do I know?



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Sombra Icon.png

英文What interesting things I've learned about your employers, Ms. Vaswani.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文What have you heard.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文What more do you know about LumériCo and Vishkar?


OW2 Sombra Icon.png

英文Ooh... Is the little birdie finally leaving her cage?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Do not jump to conclusions.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Sojourn Icon.png

英文I saw Vishkar is opening an office in Toronto.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Yes... Are you interested in applying?


OW2 Sojourn Icon.png

英文(chuckles) I'd rather clean cattle pens in Alberta.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文To think I should have to work with a street ruffian.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文I'm not all that excited about this arrangement either.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文You should return what you stole from Vishkar.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Stole? (scoffs) You need to go ask your bosses where it all came from, then we can talk.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Vishkar is building a better future for humanity.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文(laughs) You believe that? I don't even know what to tell you.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文What you Vishkar will never understand is that people should be free!


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文What you call freedom is an illusion that causes more harm than good.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Vishkar's using you, just like they used my father. You just wait. You'll see.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Your father was a Vishkar employee. He understood our company's vision. A shame he never educated you.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文I've been listening to your new music.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Why? Is Vishkar doing research on me or something?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文No. I am intrigued by how the sound moves behind my eyes when I listen.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Oh, that's because it's binaural! Uh, glad you like it.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Did your bosses ever rebuild that favela? You know, the one that mysteriously burned down?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文I am told it is on the backlog.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Funny how that sort of project always gets… deprioritized.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文A peaceful reality is within our reach.


OW2 Ana Icon.png

英文I wish I could believe that.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Zenyatta Icon.png

英文Symmetra, you speak of law and of order, but you must know that life is chaotic by its very nature.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文To be lectured about chaos and disorder from a machine.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文It is good to see you again, Tekhartha.


OW2 Zenyatta Icon.png

英文Likewise, Satya. I hope to repay you for your generosity at our temple.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文With the wisdom you shared... you already have.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文I wonder if I have changed for the better or worse.


OW2 Zenyatta Icon.png

英文Change often comes uninvited. What you make of it is up to you.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Moira Icon.png

英文Look at this world, Symmetra. See what science has wrought.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Of course. Science obeys the laws of nature. It is only to be expected.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文Satya, remember our good old days at the academy?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文You complained constantly about everything, and then you dropped out.


OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文I saw it as an... early graduation.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文What do you miss most about the academy, Satya?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Your snoring. It helped me sleep.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文You know, you were the best roommate I've ever had.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文You were third-best. The other two went to bed at appropriate times.


OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文4 AM is perfectly appropriate if you're working on a great idea!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Your pylon is marvelous. Efficient and beautiful.


OW2 Illari Icon.png

英文Doesn't matter how pretty it is if I only use it in ugly situations.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文I recently learned the phrase, ?stop to smell the roses.? It applies here, I think.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Soldier 76 Icon.png

英文I was just in the kitchen. Anyone have something they want to confess?


OW2 Winston Icon.png

英文Those banana peels are not mine.


OW2 Ashe Icon.png

英文I ain’t a snitch, but let’s just say those corn dogs are gone for good.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I was just trying to make a milkshake….


OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文I saw someone steal your leftovers. But I’m afraid to say who.


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文It is not my fault your kitchenware melts so easily.


OW2 Soldier 76 Icon.png

英文(Tired sigh).


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?


OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文Dragonflies. Such perfect creatures.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Uh... yeah, I can see it!
