目前语音维基上有2057个页面。 在上方输入您想创建的页面名称或单击以下标题之一,即可开始撰写!



第1行: 第1行:
== D.Va ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF5F.0B2|en1=Look at us! Two superstars out and about!|zh1=瞧瞧咱们!两位超级巨星一同出街!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF5F.0B2|en1=Look at us! Two superstars out and about!|zh1=瞧瞧咱们!两位超级巨星一同出街!
第7行: 第7行:
|hero4=D.Va|file4=00000005EF5E.0B2|en4=Right. It's probably risky for us to talk at all.|zh4=有道理。保险起见,我们俩最好连话都不要说。
|hero4=D.Va|file4=00000005EF5E.0B2|en4=Right. It's probably risky for us to talk at all.|zh4=有道理。保险起见,我们俩最好连话都不要说。
== 奥丽莎 ==
== 奥丽莎 ==
第13行: 第12行:
|hero2=Orisa|file2=0000000352A7.0B2|en2=Actually, Efi spent most of her Adawe Foundation grant on me. It was not inexpensive.|zh2=实际上,伊菲把大部分阿达维基金用在了我身上。那是一大笔钱。
|hero2=Orisa|file2=0000000352A7.0B2|en2=Actually, Efi spent most of her Adawe Foundation grant on me. It was not inexpensive.|zh2=实际上,伊菲把大部分阿达维基金用在了我身上。那是一大笔钱。
== 查莉娅 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000360CD.0B2|en1=I admire the way you deal with those bots. Wanna team up?|zh1=我很欣赏你对那些机器人用的套路,想组队吗?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000360CD.0B2|en1=I admire the way you deal with those bots. Wanna team up?|zh1=我很欣赏你对那些机器人用的套路,想组队吗?
|hero2=Zarya|file2=000000035FC0.0B2|en2=Not if you were the last human on earth.|zh2=除非你是这个地球上最后一个活人。
|hero2=Zarya|file2=000000035FC0.0B2|en2=Not if you were the last human on earth.|zh2=除非你是这个地球上最后一个活人。
|hero1=Zarya|file1=0000000648CE.0B2|en1=Rat. Say "thank you"?|zh1=狂鼠,说“谢谢”。
|hero1=Zarya|file1=0000000648CE.0B2|en1=Rat. Say ?thank you?|zh1=狂鼠,说“谢谢”。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000063D67.0B2|en2=Ah! My most sinciferest thanks to the second most intimidating person I know.|zh2=啊!向我认识的人里第二厉害的,致以最最诚挚的感谢。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000063D67.0B2|en2=Ah! My most sinciferest thanks to the second most intimidating person I know.|zh2=啊!向我认识的人里第二厉害的,致以最最诚挚的感谢。
== 温斯顿 ==
== 温斯顿 ==
第30行: 第26行:
|hero1=Winston|file1=00000005C642.0B2|en1=Anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?|zh1=有人想听我最喜欢的元素周期表笑话吗?
|hero7=Junkrat|file7=00000005C646.0B2|en7=I dunno. Will it make me go "He He"? Eh?|zh7=不好说。它能逗我“锡硒”一笑吗?嗯?
== 破坏球 ==
== 破坏球 ==
第42行: 第31行:
|hero2=Wrecking Ball|file2=000000052F9A.0B2|en2=He does not do autographs.|zh2=仓鼠拒绝签名。
|hero2=Wrecking Ball|file2=000000052F9A.0B2|en2=He does not do autographs.|zh2=仓鼠拒绝签名。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E05A.0B2|en1=Hey Champ, why've you got that wombat riding around with you?|zh1=话说冠军,你身上怎么有只袋熊?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E05A.0B2|en1=Hey Champ, why've you got that wombat riding around with you?|zh1=话说冠军,你身上怎么有只袋熊?
第49行: 第37行:
|hero4=Wrecking Ball|file4=000000052F9C.0B2|en4=Please move along.|zh4=你的话太多了。
|hero4=Wrecking Ball|file4=000000052F9C.0B2|en4=Please move along.|zh4=你的话太多了。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E057.0B2|en1=Champ! Which of your glorious victories was your favorite?|zh1=冠军,采访一下!你最自豪的胜利是哪一场?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E057.0B2|en1=Champ! Which of your glorious victories was your favorite?|zh1=冠军,采访一下!你最自豪的胜利是哪一场?
第55行: 第42行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E058.0B2|en3=Mine was when you beat Three-Arm Luke. Oh, you gave him the what-for!|zh3=我最喜欢你打赢三臂卢克那场。噢,你可真是教他做人了!
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E058.0B2|en3=Mine was when you beat Three-Arm Luke. Oh, you gave him the what-for!|zh3=我最喜欢你打赢三臂卢克那场。噢,你可真是教他做人了!
==莱因哈特 或 托比昂==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E05C.0B2|en1=How many of you Overwatch people are missing an eye?|zh1=你们守望先锋怎么那么多独眼龙?
|hero2=Reinhardt|file2=00000005B9A2.0B2|en2=I don't need two eyes to swing a hammer!|zh2=挥锤子又不需要两只眼睛看着!
|hero3=Torbjörn|file3=00000005B851.0B2|en3=How many of you scoundrels are missing a leg?|zh3=那你们渣客镇的是不是都缺一条腿?
|hero1=Sigma|file1=000000063BD0.0B2|en1=If you know what you're looking for, inquiry is unnecessary. But if you don't know, how do you inquire?|zh1=如果你知道自己要寻找什么,那你就不必寻找。但如果你不知道,又该如何寻找呢?
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=000000062F58.0B2|en4=Ah. Xeno's Paradox!|zh4=啊。是芝诺悖论对吧!
== 路霸 ==
== 路霸 ==
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000002EFAB.0B2|en1=I'll hook 'em.|zh1=我钩住他们。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000002EE8F.0B2|en2=And I'll cook 'em!|zh2=我炸烂他们!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000000B87F.0B2|en1=Try not to get us killed out there.|zh1=尽量别让我们被别人干掉。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000000B87F.0B2|en1=Try not to get us killed out there.|zh1=尽量别让我们被别人干掉。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000000B87D.0B2|en2=You won't believe the joke ol' pig face over there told me the other day. Roadhog?|zh2=你不会相信那个猪脑袋前几天跟我说了什么。路霸你说什么了?
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000000B87D.0B2|en2=You won't believe the joke ol' pig face over there told me the other day. Roadhog?|zh2=你不会相信那个猪脑袋前几天跟我说了什么。路霸你说什么了?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000001FF39.0B2|en3=You hook 'em, I'll cook 'em.|zh3=你钩住他们,我炸烂他们。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000001FF39.0B2|en3=You hook 'em, I'll cook 'em.|zh3=你钩住他们,我炸烂他们。
|hero5=Roadhog|file5=00000000B62D.0B2|en5=*groans* Shut up.|zh5=*哀叹*闭嘴。
|hero5=Roadhog|file5=00000000B62D.0B2|en5=(groans) Shut up.|zh5=(哀叹)闭嘴。
|hero7=Roadhog|file7=00000000B6BA.0B2|en7=*groans* Do you ever shut up?|zh7=*哀叹*你能闭上嘴吗?
|hero7=Roadhog|file7=00000000B6BA.0B2|en7=(groans) Do you ever shut up?|zh7=(哀叹)你能闭上嘴吗?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000043AB1.0B2|en1=You know, I never would have taken you for someone with such a homely home.|zh1=你知道吗,我真没想到你家有这么寒酸。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000043AB1.0B2|en1=You know, I never would have taken you for someone with such a homely home.|zh1=你知道吗,我真没想到你家有这么寒酸。
|hero2=Roadhog|file2=00000004A343.0B2|en2=If you don't like it, stay in your room.|zh2=不喜欢就回自己家去。
|hero2=Roadhog|file2=00000004A343.0B2|en2=If you don't like it, stay in your room.|zh2=不喜欢就回自己家去。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000001FF3F.0B2|en1=*sighs* Remember that time we stole the crown jewels? All hail King Jamison Fawkes the First... and.|zh1=*感叹*还记得我们偷走王冠珠宝那次吗?国王詹米森·法尔克斯一世万岁……还有……路霸公爵?你到底叫什么名字?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000001FF3F.0B2|en1=(sighs) Remember that time we stole the crown jewels? All hail King Jamison Fawkes the First... and.|zh1=(感叹)还记得我们偷走王冠珠宝那次吗?国王詹米森·法尔克斯一世万岁……还有……路霸公爵?你到底叫什么名字?
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000004A344.0B2|en1=Keep your stuff off the table.|zh1=别碰我的桌子。
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000004A344.0B2|en1=Keep your stuff off the table.|zh1=别碰我的桌子。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000043AB6.0B2|en2=I'm hurt! I am nothing if not a courteous houseguest.|zh2=真让人伤心!我一直是个有礼貌的客人好吗?
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000043AB6.0B2|en2=I'm hurt! I am nothing if not a courteous houseguest.|zh2=真让人伤心!我一直是个有礼貌的客人好吗?
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000002EFAB.0B2|en1=I'll hook 'em.|zh1=我钩住他们。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000002EE8F.0B2|en2=And I'll cook 'em!|zh2=我炸烂他们!
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000000B6CC.0B2|en1=Try and stay out of trouble for once.|zh1=别老是自找麻烦。
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000000B6CC.0B2|en1=Try and stay out of trouble for once.|zh1=别老是自找麻烦。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000000B7D5.0B2|en2=I'll be on my best behavior.|zh2=我会乖乖的。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000000B7D5.0B2|en2=I'll be on my best behavior.|zh2=我会乖乖的。
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000004A345.0B2|en1=Don't blow it.|zh1=这次别搞砸了。
|hero1=Roadhog|file1=00000004A345.0B2|en1=Don't blow it.|zh1=这次别搞砸了。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000043AB5.0B2|en2=When have I ever? ...Don't answer that.|zh2=我什么时候搞砸过?……当我没问。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000043AB5.0B2|en2=When have I ever? ...Don't answer that.|zh2=我什么时候搞砸过?……当我没问。
== 末日铁拳 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000360C2.0B2|en1=Don't suppose you'd like to trade. Fists, I mean.|zh1=我猜你大概不会和我做交易吧。我是说,那副拳套。
|hero2=Doomfist|file2=000000041294.0B2|en2=I don't think you could handle it.|zh2=我不觉得你能驾驭它。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF48.0B2|en1=Doomfist. Doom... fist. Haha. It's a great name.|zh1=“末日铁拳”。末日……铁拳。哈哈。这名字不错。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF48.0B2|en1=Doomfist. Doom... fist. Haha. It's a great name.|zh1=“末日铁拳”。末日……铁拳。哈哈。这名字不错。
第116行: 第86行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005EF49.0B2|en3=They call me Junkrat!|zh3=人送外号:“狂鼠”!
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005EF49.0B2|en3=They call me Junkrat!|zh3=人送外号:“狂鼠”!
|hero4=Doomfist|file4=00000005EF62.0B2|en4=Not as good.|zh4=还差点意思。
|hero4=Doomfist|file4=00000005EF62.0B2|en4=Not as good.|zh4=还差点意思。
|hero5=Junkrat|file5=00000005EF4A.0B2|en5=No. *Sigh*Not as good.|zh5=*叹气*是啊。还差点意思。
|hero5=Junkrat|file5=00000005EF4A.0B2|en5=No. (Sigh) Not as good.|zh5=(叹气)是啊。还差点意思。
== 渣客女王 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000360C2.0B2|en1=Don't suppose you'd like to trade. Fists, I mean.|zh1=我猜你大概不会和我做交易吧。我是说,那副拳套。
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=00000005EF52.0B2|en1=Didn't I say I'd rip out your tongue if I saw you again?|zh1=我不是说过吗?再让我看到你,就拔了你的舌头!
|hero2=Doomfist|file2=000000041294.0B2|en2=I don't think you could handle it.|zh2=我不觉得你能驾驭它。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000005EF59.0B2|en2=My Queen! Your voice, ever sonorous, is like a gentle waterfall upon my ears!|zh2=女王陛下!您的嗓音如此洪亮,就像温柔的瀑布,在我耳朵里冲刷!
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=00000005EF53.0B2|en3=Right after the mission. Mark my words.|zh3=任务结束我就动手。你给我记住。
|hero4=Junker Queen|file4=00000005EF55.0B2|en4=Yeah, the ears are next.|zh4=好啊,下次拧你的耳朵。
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=000000061ED2.0B2|en1=I've met mozzies with more brains than you, Fawkes.|zh1=你这脑子连只蚊子都不如,法尔克斯。
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=000000061ED2.0B2|en1=I've met mozzies with more brains than you, Fawkes.|zh1=你这脑子连只蚊子都不如,法尔克斯。
第130行: 第100行:
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000061ED3.0B2|en3=We've got an education system?|zh3=我们还有教育体系?
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000061ED3.0B2|en3=We've got an education system?|zh3=我们还有教育体系?
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=00000005EF52.0B2|en1=Didn't I say I'd rip out your tongue if I saw you again?|zh1=我不是说过吗?再让我看到你,就拔了你的舌头!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000065F21.0B2|en1=My exquisitous Queen, I come bearing news of great import!|zh1=精致雅典的女王啊,我此次觐见是有要事相告!
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000005EF59.0B2|en2=My Queen! Your voice, ever sonorous, is like a gentle waterfall upon my ears!|zh2=女王陛下!您的嗓音如此洪亮,就像温柔的瀑布,在我耳朵里冲刷!
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=000000063A3C.0B2|en2=Not now, Ratjunk.|zh2=现在不行,“怂鼠”。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=00000005EF53.0B2|en3=Right after the mission. Mark my words.|zh3=任务结束我就动手。你给我记住。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000065EF4.0B2|en3=My name's Junkrat!|zh3=人家叫“狂鼠”!
|hero4=Junker Queen|file4=00000005EF55.0B2|en4=Yeah, the ears are next.|zh4=好啊,下次拧你的耳朵。
|hero4=Junker Queen|file4=000000063A3E.0B2|en4=No it isn't.|zh4=你说了不算。
== 拉玛刹 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005F169.0B2|en1=How come you don't stay a big bloke all the time?|zh1=你干嘛不一直保持大块头的样子呢?
|hero2=Ramattra|file2=00000005F145.0B2|en2=I prefer tactical precision over brute force.|zh2=比起蛮力,我更喜欢精准打击。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005F16A.0B2|en3=Oh, likewise, likewise. Some of my favorite bombs are extraordinarily precise!|zh3=哦,英雄所见略同。我有几颗宝贝炸弹也超级精准!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622E6.0B2|en1=Jamison Fawkes, reporting live. Let's ask this scary metal bloke how he thinks the battle's going to go.|zh1=詹米森•法尔克斯为您现场报道。我们采访一下这位凶巴巴的铁皮哥对本场战斗走向的看法吧。
|hero2=Ramattra|file2=00000006284F.0B2|en2=You are not a journalist.|zh2=你不是记者。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000062332.0B2|en3=A puzzling prognostication. Now back to Natasha for a look at the weather.|zh3=听不懂他在说什么。现在把画面交回娜塔莎,来看看今天的天气情况。
== 半藏 ==
== 半藏 ==
第143行: 第122行:
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000000B7CF.0B2|en2=Treasure? Uh... sure I don't know anything you're talking about.|zh2=财宝?呃...我当然不知道你在说什么了……
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000000B7CF.0B2|en2=Treasure? Uh... sure I don't know anything you're talking about.|zh2=财宝?呃...我当然不知道你在说什么了……
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E070.0B2|en1=You look like a man who inherited a vast trove of ostentatious wealth!|zh1=一看你就像是躺在金山上数钱的富二代公子哥嘛!
|hero2=Hanzo|file2=00000005E427.0B2|en2=I gave up my father's empire... and his fortune alongside it.|zh2=我放弃了父亲的帝国……还有他留下的家产。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E071.0B2|en3=Who has it now?|zh3=那笔家产现在归谁了?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E06E.0B2|en1=What's on your mind, mate?|zh1=在想什么呢,伙计?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E06E.0B2|en1=What's on your mind, mate?|zh1=在想什么呢,伙计?
第155行: 第127行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E06F.0B2|en3=What, your keys? Arrows? Snacks? I’ve got snacks. Cheer up!|zh3=你丢东西了?钥匙?箭?还是零食?零食有的是,开心点!
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E06F.0B2|en3=What, your keys? Arrows? Snacks? I’ve got snacks. Cheer up!|zh3=你丢东西了?钥匙?箭?还是零食?零食有的是,开心点!
== 回声 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622E0.0B2|en1=Sticky bombs? What a fantastic idea! How do they work?|zh1=黏性炸弹?这点子也太妙了吧!怎么做出来的?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622E0.0B2|en1=Sticky bombs? What a fantastic idea! How do they work?|zh1=黏性炸弹?这点子也太妙了吧!怎么做出来的?
第162行: 第133行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E1.0B2|en3=No worries. I'll figure it out on me own. All I need is some glue.|zh3=没关系。看我自学成才。加点儿胶水不就好了嘛。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E1.0B2|en3=No worries. I'll figure it out on me own. All I need is some glue.|zh3=没关系。看我自学成才。加点儿胶水不就好了嘛。
== 堡垒 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622E9.0B2|en1=Jamison Fawkes, channel nine news. Mr. Gunbot, sir, how do you think the battle's going to go?|zh1=我是九台新闻的詹米森•法尔克斯。请问机枪机器人先生,您对本场战斗的走向怎么看?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622E9.0B2|en1=Jamison Fawkes, channel nine news. Mr. Gunbot, sir, how do you think the battle's going to go?|zh1=我是九台新闻的詹米森•法尔克斯。请问机枪机器人先生,您对本场战斗的走向怎么看?
|hero2=Bastion|file2=000000062BF9.0B2|en2=*excited, talkative beeps*|zh2=*兴奋而滔滔不绝的哔哔声*
|hero2=Bastion|file2=000000062BF9.0B2|en2=(excited, talkative beeps)|zh2=(兴奋而滔滔不绝的哔哔声)
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E8.0B2|en3=Could you repeat that in words? Hold on, breaking news! The moon has fallen into the ocean!|zh3=您能再说一遍吗?等等,突发新闻!就在刚才,月亮坠入了大海!
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E8.0B2|en3=Could you repeat that in words? Hold on, breaking news! The moon has fallen into the ocean!|zh3=您能再说一遍吗?等等,突发新闻!就在刚才,月亮坠入了大海!
== 士兵:76 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000062F5A.0B2|en1=You look like a gentleman who eats his own toenails!|zh1=我一看就知道你是那种会吃自己脚趾甲的绅士!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000062F5A.0B2|en1=You look like a gentleman who eats his own toenails!|zh1=我一看就知道你是那种会吃自己脚趾甲的绅士!
|hero2=Soldier 76|file2=000000062F6F.0B2|en2=Why the hell would you say that to someone?|zh2=哪有你这样跟人说话的?
|hero2=Soldier_ 76|file2=000000062F6F.0B2|en2=Why the hell would you say that to someone?|zh2=哪有你这样跟人说话的?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000062F5B.0B2|en3=Just looking for something we might have in common….|zh3=只是想找找我们的共同点嘛……
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000062F5B.0B2|en3=Just looking for something we might have in common….|zh3=只是想找找我们的共同点嘛……
|hero1=Soldier 76|file1=000000062F68.0B2|en1=I was just in the kitchen. Anyone have something they want to confess?|zh1=刚才我就在厨房。谁干的好事?坦白从宽。
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=000000062F59.0B2|en4=I was just trying to make a milkshake….|zh4=我只是想做杯奶昔……
|hero7=Soldier 76|file7=000000062F69.0B2|en7=*Tired sigh*|zh7=*疲惫地叹气*
== 托比昂 ==
== 托比昂 ==
第188行: 第150行:
|hero2=Torbjörn|file2=00000004C490.0B2|en2=I don't think they're compatible.|zh2=我觉得不是太靠谱。
|hero2=Torbjörn|file2=00000004C490.0B2|en2=I don't think they're compatible.|zh2=我觉得不是太靠谱。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E077.0B2|en1=Jamison Fawkes and Torbjörn Lindholm! Two handsome geniuses, just chit-chatting away.|zh1=詹米森·法尔克斯与托比昂·林德霍姆!两大俊美发明家,在闲聊中碰撞激烈的火花。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E077.0B2|en1=Jamison Fawkes and Torbjörn Lindholm! Two handsome geniuses, just chit-chatting away.|zh1=詹米森·法尔克斯与托比昂·林德霍姆!两大俊美发明家,在闲聊中碰撞激烈的火花。
第194行: 第155行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E05D.0B2|en3=Don’t be so hard on yourself.|zh3=别那么没自信嘛。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E05D.0B2|en3=Don’t be so hard on yourself.|zh3=别那么没自信嘛。
|hero1=Reaper|file1=00000005E421.0B2|en1=You're a reckless lunatic.|zh1=“狂鼠”,你这疯子真是不要命。
|hero1=Torbjörn|file1=000000062087.0B2|en1=I helped them with a few things.|zh1=我帮他们做过点儿东西。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000005E061.0B2|en2=Oh. Thank you very much!|zh2=噢。谢谢夸奖!
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=0000000622FA.0B2|en2=What uh--what sort of things? Asking for a friend.|zh2=什么,呃——什么样的东西?我有个朋友想知道。
== 死神 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000000B88E.0B2|en1=You look like the kind of guy who could use something blown up.|zh1=你看上去需要提提神。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000000B88E.0B2|en1=You look like the kind of guy who could use something blown up.|zh1=你看上去需要提提神。
|hero2=Reaper|file2=00000002EEC9.0B2|en2=A candidate just came to mind.|zh2=我想到一个点子了。
|hero2=Reaper|file2=00000002EEC9.0B2|en2=A candidate just came to mind.|zh2=我想到一个点子了。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000063D65.0B2|en1=Wouldn't a scythe be more on brand?|zh1=拿把镰刀会不会更像那么回事?
|hero1=Reaper|file1=00000005E421.0B2|en1=You're a reckless lunatic.|zh1=“狂鼠”,你这疯子真是不要命。
|hero2=Reaper|file2=00000006384C.0B2|en2=I prefer shotguns.|zh2=我更喜欢用枪。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000005E061.0B2|en2=Oh. Thank you very much!|zh2=噢。谢谢夸奖!
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000063D66.0B2|en3=Can't really harvest with them, but who am I to argue with Death himself?|zh3=用枪没法收割啊。不过你才是死神,你说了算。
|hero1=Reaper|file1=00000005E424.0B2|en1=You got a problem, Junker?|zh1=你有问题吗,渣客?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E069.0B2|en3=I don’t do problems—just solutions!|zh3=我从不问问题,我只消灭问题!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E06D.0B2|en1=I like what you’ve got going on… the ghost powers, the magically replenishing shotguns, the mysterious.|zh1=我超喜欢你现在的样子……幽灵一样的步伐,魔法变出来的枪,还有神秘兮兮的身份……简直厉害到爆!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E06D.0B2|en1=I like what you’ve got going on… the ghost powers, the magically replenishing shotguns, the mysterious.|zh1=我超喜欢你现在的样子……幽灵一样的步伐,魔法变出来的枪,还有神秘兮兮的身份……简直厉害到爆!
|hero2=Reaper|file2=00000005E425.0B2|en2=Shut up.|zh2=闭嘴。
|hero2=Reaper|file2=00000005E425.0B2|en2=Shut up.|zh2=闭嘴。
|hero1=Reaper|file1=00000005E41C.0B2|en1=Roadhog, take them head on.|zh1=“路霸”,狠狠收拾他们。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000063D65.0B2|en1=Wouldn't a scythe be more on brand?|zh1=拿把镰刀会不会更像那么回事?
|hero2=Roadhog|file2=00000005E02F.0B2|en2=Got it.|zh2=好。
|hero2=Reaper|file2=00000006384C.0B2|en2=I prefer shotguns.|zh2=我更喜欢用枪。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E05F.0B2|en3=Hey, I want a mission too!|zh3=喂,给我也来个任务呗?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000063D66.0B2|en3=Can't really harvest with them, but who am I to argue with Death himself?|zh3=用枪没法收割啊。不过你才是死神,你说了算。
|hero4=Reaper|file4=00000005E423.0B2|en4=Try not to blow yourself up.|zh4=别炸到自己就行。
|hero5=Junkrat|file5=00000005E060.0B2|en5=Aw, but it's me specialty!|zh5=呃啊,但那可是我的特长!
== 法老之鹰 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E065.0B2|en1=Hey, Rocket Lady... do they make that suit in my size?|zh1=嘿,火箭小姐……你那身制服有没有我穿的尺码?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E065.0B2|en1=Hey, Rocket Lady... do they make that suit in my size?|zh1=嘿,火箭小姐……你那身制服有没有我穿的尺码?
|hero2=Pharah|file2=0000000620A4.0B2|en2=*Laugh*You couldn't handle one of these.|zh2=*大笑*这身行头你穿不来的。
|hero2=Pharah|file2=0000000620A4.0B2|en2=(Laugh) You couldn't handle one of these.|zh2=(大笑)这身行头你穿不来的。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E066.0B2|en3=Why not? I was born to fly.|zh3=谁说的?我可是天生的飞行员……
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E066.0B2|en3=Why not? I was born to fly.|zh3=谁说的?我可是天生的飞行员……
== 源氏 ==
== 源氏 ==
第243行: 第188行:
|hero2=Genji|file2=000000036308.0B2|en2=I was a reckless youth... but you are something else entirely.|zh2=我曾经是个狂妄的年轻人……但你完全不同。
|hero2=Genji|file2=000000036308.0B2|en2=I was a reckless youth... but you are something else entirely.|zh2=我曾经是个狂妄的年轻人……但你完全不同。
== 猎空 ==
== 猎空 ==
第249行: 第193行:
|hero2=Tracer|file2=00000000BD5D.0B2|en2=That's my line!|zh2=那是我的台词!
|hero2=Tracer|file2=00000000BD5D.0B2|en2=That's my line!|zh2=那是我的台词!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000000B7E0.0B2|en1=Think I could have a look at one of those bombs of yours?|zh1=我可以看看那些炸弹吗?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000000B7E0.0B2|en1=Think I could have a look at one of those bombs of yours?|zh1=我可以看看那些炸弹吗?
|hero2=Tracer|file2=000000021E72.0B2|en2=Over my dead body!|zh2=你休想!
|hero2=Tracer|file2=000000021E72.0B2|en2=Over my dead body!|zh2=你休想!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000006233E.0B2|en1=Cheers love! It's time to save the world!|zh1=别担心,亲爱的!是时候拯救世界了!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000006233E.0B2|en1=Cheers love! It's time to save the world!|zh1=别担心,亲爱的!是时候拯救世界了!
第263行: 第205行:
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000006233F.0B2|en2=That's what I'm always saying!|zh2=别抢我的口头禅!
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000006233F.0B2|en2=That's what I'm always saying!|zh2=别抢我的口头禅!
== 秩序之光 ==
== 秩序之光 ==
第269行: 第210行:
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=0000000572B7.0B2|en2=Is it the bombs? You don't like the bombs?|zh2=你是说我的炸弹吗?你不喜欢炸弹?
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=0000000572B7.0B2|en2=Is it the bombs? You don't like the bombs?|zh2=你是说我的炸弹吗?你不喜欢炸弹?
== 美 ==
== 美 ==
第276行: 第216行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000001FF3A.0B2|en3=That's cold!|zh3=你好无情!
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000001FF3A.0B2|en3=That's cold!|zh3=你好无情!
|hero1=Mei|file1=0000000211A6.0B2|en1=You're just a no good bully! How can you even look at yourself in the mirror?|zh1=你只是一个没用的坏蛋!而且你出门都不照镜子吗?
|hero1=Mei|file1=0000000211A6.0B2|en1=You're just a no good bully! How can you even look at yourself in the mirror?|zh1=你只是一个没用的坏蛋!而且你出门都不照镜子吗?
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000001FF5C.0B2|en2=I beg your pardon! I consider myself a freedom fighter, a... misunderstood one.|zh2=你怎么能这么说!我认为自己是一名自由战士……只不过被误解了。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000001FF5C.0B2|en2=I beg your pardon! I consider myself a freedom fighter, a... misunderstood one.|zh2=你怎么能这么说!我认为自己是一名自由战士……只不过被误解了。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000001FF37.0B2|en1=Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.|zh1=Brrr...光是看着你我就觉得冷。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000001FF37.0B2|en1=Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.|zh1=Brrr...光是看着你我就觉得冷。
|hero2=Mei|file2=0000000211C9.0B2|en2=Then you should look somewhere else.|zh2=那你就别看着我。
|hero2=Mei|file2=0000000211C9.0B2|en2=Then you should look somewhere else.|zh2=那你就别看着我。
== 艾什 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622E3.0B2|en1=One stick o' dynamite? Well that's just adorable.|zh1=就这么一根炸药?这也太俏皮可爱了。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622E3.0B2|en1=One stick o' dynamite? Well that's just adorable.|zh1=就这么一根炸药?这也太俏皮可爱了。
第293行: 第230行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E4.0B2|en3=I meant admirable! Admirable!|zh3=我是说勇气可嘉!勇气可嘉!
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E4.0B2|en3=I meant admirable! Admirable!|zh3=我是说勇气可嘉!勇气可嘉!
== 卡西迪 ==
== 卡西迪 ==
第299行: 第235行:
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000002EE8E.0B2|en2=Maybe we could... work something out, mate?|zh2=也许我们可以……合伙搞点什么,你说呢伙计?
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=00000002EE8E.0B2|en2=Maybe we could... work something out, mate?|zh2=也许我们可以……合伙搞点什么,你说呢伙计?
|hero1=Cassidy|file1=000000062258.0B2|en1=You rob any trains in your day?|zh1=你当年劫过火车吗?
|hero1=Cassidy|file1=000000062258.0B2|en1=You rob any trains in your day?|zh1=你当年劫过火车吗?
第306行: 第241行:
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=00000006098D.0B2|en4=I do stop them. I think my problem is that I stop them a little too hard.|zh4=停是停了。不过问题应该是我当时停得太狠了。
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=00000006098D.0B2|en4=I do stop them. I think my problem is that I stop them a little too hard.|zh4=停是停了。不过问题应该是我当时停得太狠了。
== 索杰恩 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005D91E.0B2|en1=We're more metal than meat, you and I! Why... we could be twins!|zh1=你和我身上都是铁块比肉多!哎呀……咱俩简直是异父异母的亲姐弟!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005D91E.0B2|en1=We're more metal than meat, you and I! Why... we could be twins!|zh1=你和我身上都是铁块比肉多!哎呀……咱俩简直是异父异母的亲姐弟!
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=00000005BD5E.0B2|en2=*Sigh*And I was having such a nice day.|zh2=唉,想换只没听过你这句话的耳朵……
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=00000005BD5E.0B2|en2=(Sigh) And I was having such a nice day.|zh2=唉,想换只没听过你这句话的耳朵……
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF58.0B2|en1=United again, the Overwatch strike team prepares for action!|zh1=再一次,守望先锋突击小队团结一心,时刻准备踏上战场!
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF58.0B2|en1=United again, the Overwatch strike team prepares for action!|zh1=再一次,守望先锋突击小队团结一心,时刻准备踏上战场!
第319行: 第252行:
|hero4=Sojourn|file4=00000005EF4C.0B2|en4=I'm about to be known for kicking your butt.|zh4=等会儿大家就知道我是怎么收拾你的了。
|hero4=Sojourn|file4=00000005EF4C.0B2|en4=I'm about to be known for kicking your butt.|zh4=等会儿大家就知道我是怎么收拾你的了。
== 卢西奥 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF60.0B2|en1=We should do a concert together.|zh1=咱们应该一起办个音乐会。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005EF60.0B2|en1=We should do a concert together.|zh1=咱们应该一起办个音乐会。
|hero2=Lúcio|file2=00000005EF4B.0B2|en2=What do you play?|zh2=哦?你有什么才艺?
|hero2=Lúcio|file2=00000005EF4B.0B2|en2=What do you play?|zh2=哦?你有什么才艺?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005EF46.0B2|en3=I sing. Laaaa... *continues singing*|zh3=我会唱歌。啦……*一直唱*
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005EF46.0B2|en3=I sing. Laaaa... (continues singing)|zh3=我会唱歌。啦……(一直唱)
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=00000005F210.0B2|en4=I sing. La la la la la la... *singing scales*|zh4=我会唱歌。啦啦啦啦啦啦啦……*音阶练习*
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=00000005F210.0B2|en4=I sing. La la la la la la... (singing scales)|zh4=我会唱歌。啦啦啦啦啦啦啦……(音阶练习)
|hero5=Junkrat|file5=00000005F211.0B2|en5=I sing. *High operatic singing*|zh5=我会唱歌。*高音美声演唱*
|hero5=Junkrat|file5=00000005F211.0B2|en5=I sing. (High operatic singing)|zh5=我会唱歌。(高音美声演唱)
|hero6=Junkrat|file6=00000005F212.0B2|en6=I sing. *Singing)? Figaro figaro figaro.|zh6=我会唱歌。*唱歌*:Figaro figaro figaro……
|hero6=Junkrat|file6=00000005F212.0B2|en6=I sing. (Singing) Figaro figaro figaro.|zh6=我会唱歌。(唱歌)Figaro figaro figaro……
|hero7=Lúcio|file7=00000005EF69.0B2|en7=Wow yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that!|zh7=喔,挺好。呃……我回头再跟你聊!
|hero7=Lúcio|file7=00000005EF69.0B2|en7=Wow yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that!|zh7=喔,挺好。呃……我回头再跟你聊!
== 天使 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E072.0B2|en1=Doc, I’ve got this rash that won’t go away. I’ve tried everything? radiation, dirt, radioactive dirt….|zh1=医生,我身上起了疹子,怎么也消不掉。辐射、尘土,还有辐射尘土,我什么招儿都用过了……
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E072.0B2|en1=Doc, I’ve got this rash that won’t go away. I’ve tried everything? radiation, dirt, radioactive dirt….|zh1=医生,我身上起了疹子,怎么也消不掉。辐射、尘土,还有辐射尘土,我什么招儿都用过了……
|hero2=Mercy|file2=000000061FA0.0B2|en2=Have you tried bandaging your mouth?|zh2=你有没有试过把嘴包扎起来?
|hero2=Mercy|file2=000000061FA0.0B2|en2=Have you tried bandaging your mouth?|zh2=你有没有试过把嘴包扎起来?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E068.0B2|en3=Would that help?|zh3=那样我就得救啦?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E068.0B2|en3=Would that help?|zh3=那样我就得救啦?
|hero4=Mercy|file4=000000061FA1.0B2|en4=*Sigh*It'd help me.|zh4=*叹气*那样我就得救了。
|hero4=Mercy|file4=000000061FA1.0B2|en4=(Sigh) It'd help me.|zh4=(叹气)那样我就得救了。
== 安娜 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000063D68.0B2|en1=It's so hard to tell right from wrong. If only I had someone to give me guidance.|zh1=是非对错好难分清楚啊。要是能有人……帮我指导指导就好了……
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000063D68.0B2|en1=It's so hard to tell right from wrong. If only I had someone to give me guidance.|zh1=是非对错好难分清楚啊。要是能有人……帮我指导指导就好了……
第346行: 第276行:
|hero4=Ana|file4=0000000640F0.0B2|en4=Oh no. Absolutely not.|zh4=哦,不。你想都别想。
|hero4=Ana|file4=0000000640F0.0B2|en4=Oh no. Absolutely not.|zh4=哦,不。你想都别想。
== 巴蒂斯特 ==
|hero1=Baptiste|file1=000000063A2A.0B2|en1=I wanted to go to the beach earlier, but some maniac stole all the volleyball nets.|zh1=我之前想去海滩玩,谁知道居然有个疯子把排球网全偷走了。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000063D64.0B2|en2=Haha, why would someone do that? *Pause*Unless they had a brilliant plan….|zh2=哈哈,谁会干这种事啊?*停顿*除非他们有个绝妙的计划……
|hero1=Baptiste|file1=000000061A82.0B2|en1=I feel sorry for your doctor.|zh1=真替你的医生感到难过。
|hero1=Baptiste|file1=000000061A82.0B2|en1=I feel sorry for your doctor.|zh1=真替你的医生感到难过。
第359行: 第283行:
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=000000062343.0B2|en4=That one I'm still seeing her for!|zh4=那个病我还在找她看呢!
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=000000062343.0B2|en4=That one I'm still seeing her for!|zh4=那个病我还在找她看呢!
|hero1=Baptiste|file1=000000063A2A.0B2|en1=I wanted to go to the beach earlier, but some maniac stole all the volleyball nets.|zh1=我之前想去海滩玩,谁知道居然有个疯子把排球网全偷走了。
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000063D64.0B2|en2=Haha, why would someone do that? (Pause) Unless they had a brilliant plan….|zh2=哈哈,谁会干这种事啊?(停顿)除非他们有个绝妙的计划……
|hero1=Baptiste|file1=000000065E27.0B2|en1=What's wrong, man?|zh1=怎么了,老兄?
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000065EF9.0B2|en2=It's nothing. Just beginning to think nobody likes me.|zh2=没什么。就是觉得好像没人会喜欢我。
|hero3=Baptiste|file3=000000065E28.0B2|en3=Maybe if you stopped stealing and blowing up everybody's stuff.|zh3=可能只要你别再去偷或者炸大家的东西就好了……
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=000000065EF8.0B2|en4=Is it even worth it, if I don't get to do what I love?|zh4=可是放弃自己的心头好,真的值得吗?
== 布丽吉塔 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622DE.0B2|en1=So. Did you have a chance to think about my proposal?|zh1=话说你后来考虑过我的提议吗?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=0000000622DE.0B2|en1=So. Did you have a chance to think about my proposal?|zh1=话说你后来考虑过我的提议吗?
第367行: 第300行:
|hero4=Brigitte|file4=000000062600.0B2|en4=That's even worse.|zh4=那更不可能了。
|hero4=Brigitte|file4=000000062600.0B2|en4=That's even worse.|zh4=那更不可能了。
== 禅雅塔 ==
|hero1=Brigitte|file1=00000005EF4E.0B2|en1=Trust me, everyone... with Bastion on our side, this is going to go great!|zh1=大家相信我……有“堡垒”和我们一队,这场战斗一定很精彩!
|hero2=Bastion|file2=00000005EF5D.0B2|en2=*sheepish beeps*|zh2=*羞怯的哔哔声*
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005EF4F.0B2|en3=Who, the bot? I thought he was decorative!|zh3=谁?那个机器人?我还以为他是个摆设呢!
|hero8=Brigitte|file8=00000005EF5B.0B2|en8=Well I'm happy to have you.|zh8=反正我很高兴和你做队友。
|hero1=Zenyatta|file1=0000000635EC.0B2|en1=Those who seek only to enrich themselves live the most impoverished lives of all.|zh1=一心贪图荣华富贵的人,其实过着一贫如洗的生活。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000063D63.0B2|en3=That's why I'm an artist.|zh3=难怪我是个艺术家。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E074.0B2|en1=Look, he's the strangest bot I've ever seen. That's all I'm saying.|zh1=快瞧,他是我见过最奇怪的机器人。你懂我意思吧?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E074.0B2|en1=Look, he's the strangest bot I've ever seen. That's all I'm saying.|zh1=快瞧,他是我见过最奇怪的机器人。你懂我意思吧?
|hero2=Zenyatta|file2=000000044263.0B2|en2=Strangeness is in the eye of the beholder.|zh2=奇怪只存于观察者的眼中。
|hero2=Zenyatta|file2=000000044263.0B2|en2=Strangeness is in the eye of the beholder.|zh2=奇怪只存于观察者的眼中。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E064.0B2|en3=*Half-whispering*Oh no, he heard me. This is so awkward.|zh3=坏了,他听到了。真尴尬。
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=00000005E064.0B2|en3=(Half-whispering) Oh no, he heard me. This is so awkward.|zh3=坏了,他听到了。真尴尬。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000062333.0B2|en1=Jamison Fawkes, interviewing this fancy robot. Any wisdom to share with us as the battle begins?|zh1=我是詹米森·法尔克斯,下面来采访一下这位精巧的机器人。您有什么人生哲理要在开战前分享给大家吗?
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000062333.0B2|en1=Jamison Fawkes, interviewing this fancy robot. Any wisdom to share with us as the battle begins?|zh1=我是詹米森·法尔克斯,下面来采访一下这位精巧的机器人。您有什么人生哲理要在开战前分享给大家吗?
第392行: 第311行:
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E7.0B2|en3=Boring! Back to you, Natasha-- Any car chases we could watch?|zh3=没劲!把画面交回娜塔莎——来点飙车镜头看看吧?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=0000000622E7.0B2|en3=Boring! Back to you, Natasha-- Any car chases we could watch?|zh3=没劲!把画面交回娜塔莎——来点飙车镜头看看吧?
== 莫伊拉 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E06A.0B2|en1=You looking for a lab assistant? I'm great with chemicals.|zh1=你在招实验助手吗?化学这一块我在行。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005E06A.0B2|en1=You looking for a lab assistant? I'm great with chemicals.|zh1=你在招实验助手吗?化学这一块我在行。
第400行: 第318行:
|hero4=Moira|file4=000000060436.0B2|en4=Everything, my strange little friend.|zh4=密不可分的关系,奇怪的小朋友。
|hero4=Moira|file4=000000060436.0B2|en4=Everything, my strange little friend.|zh4=密不可分的关系,奇怪的小朋友。
== 雾子 ==
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=00000005EF65.0B2|en1=So, how'd you pull all those heists?|zh1=我很好奇,你是怎么抢劫的?
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=00000005EF65.0B2|en1=So, how'd you pull all those heists?|zh1=我很好奇,你是怎么抢劫的?
第409行: 第326行:
|hero5=Junkrat|file5=00000005EF56.0B2|en5=Get this? More bombs!|zh5=然后,再炸一遍!
|hero5=Junkrat|file5=00000005EF56.0B2|en5=Get this? More bombs!|zh5=然后,再炸一遍!
== 生命之梭 ==
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=000000065F18.0B2|en1=My mate Roadhog says there's a fetching price on your noggin. Not as high as the one on ours, mind you.|zh1=“路霸”伙计说你脑袋上有笔赏金来着,不过提醒一下,跟我们头上的比,还是差了点。
|hero2=Lifeweaver|file2=000000066387.0B2|en2=He said all that?|zh2=这是他的原话?
|hero3=Junkrat|file3=000000065EF2.0B2|en3=It was more like, ?Gonna turn that bloke in. Worth a heap, hurr hurr hurr.?|zh3=原话大概是:“得搞定那家伙。能值不少钱,呵呵呵。”
|hero4=Lifeweaver|file4=000000066382.0B2|en4=Thank you for the warning and the convincing impression.|zh4=感谢你的警告,真的很有说服力。
|hero1=Junkrat|file1=00000005F20F.0B2|en1=Peter Piper picked a pepp-- No. Peter piper pecked a-- Ugh!|zh1=黑化肥花灰——不对。黑化肥花黑——啊!
|hero1=Lifeweaver|file1=000000066383.0B2|en1=Are you and Roadhog together?|zh1=你和“路霸”在一起了吗?
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=00000005EF43.0B2|en2=Are you people always this loud?|zh2=你们的人一直都这么吵吗?
|hero2=Junkrat|file2=000000065EF6.0B2|en2=Do you ever see us apart?|zh2=你什么时候见我们分开过?
|hero3=Mercy|file3=00000005EF68.0B2|en3=Don't lump us in with him.|zh3=别拿他和我们相提并论。
|hero3=Lifeweaver|file3=000000066389.0B2|en3=No, I mean are you a couple?|zh3=我是说,你们是一对儿吗?
|hero4=Tracer|file4=00000005EF44.0B2|en4=He's not with us!|zh4=他可不是我们的人!
|hero4=Junkrat|file4=000000065EF7.0B2|en4=Yes, a couple of dashing rogues! Not sure what you're missing here.|zh4=对啊,我们是一对江洋大盗!你是有什么听不懂的吗?
|hero5=Pharah|file5=00000005EF67.0B2|en5=He's not with us.|zh5=他不属于我们。
|hero6=Winston|file6=00000005EF45.0B2|en6=He's uh . . . not with us.|zh6=他,呃……不是我们的人。

2023年10月9日 (一) 18:09的版本

< 返回上级:狂鼠


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Look at us! Two superstars out and about!


OW2 D.Va Icon.png

英文Uh... what?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文We should keep our heads down. Don't want the paparazzi finding us!


OW2 D.Va Icon.png

英文Right. It's probably risky for us to talk at all.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Bots, dime a dozen.


OW2 Orisa Icon.png

英文Actually, Efi spent most of her Adawe Foundation grant on me. It was not inexpensive.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I admire the way you deal with those bots. Wanna team up?


OW2 Zarya Icon.png

英文Not if you were the last human on earth.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Zarya Icon.png

英文Rat. Say ?thank you?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Ah! My most sinciferest thanks to the second most intimidating person I know.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文And I thought I was supposed to be the comic relief.


OW2 Winston Icon.png




英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文The champ himself! Can you sign my forehead?


OW2 WreckingBall Icon.png

英文He does not do autographs.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Hey Champ, why've you got that wombat riding around with you?


OW2 WreckingBall Icon.png

英文He is the pilot.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Ha! And I’m President of the Moon! Seriously though, what’s he for?


OW2 WreckingBall Icon.png

英文Please move along.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Champ! Which of your glorious victories was your favorite?


OW2 WreckingBall Icon.png

英文The hamster is tired of your questions.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Mine was when you beat Three-Arm Luke. Oh, you gave him the what-for!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Try not to get us killed out there.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文You won't believe the joke ol' pig face over there told me the other day. Roadhog?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文You hook 'em, I'll cook 'em.


OW2 Roadhog Icon.png



OW2 Roadhog Icon.png

英文(groans) Shut up.


OW2 Roadhog Icon.png



OW2 Roadhog Icon.png

英文(groans) Do you ever shut up?


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文You know, I never would have taken you for someone with such a homely home.


OW2 Roadhog Icon.png

英文If you don't like it, stay in your room.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文(sighs) Remember that time we stole the crown jewels? All hail King Jamison Fawkes the First... and.


OW2 Roadhog Icon.png



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Roadhog Icon.png

英文Keep your stuff off the table.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I'm hurt! I am nothing if not a courteous houseguest.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Roadhog Icon.png

英文I'll hook 'em.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文And I'll cook 'em!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Roadhog Icon.png

英文Try and stay out of trouble for once.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I'll be on my best behavior.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Roadhog Icon.png

英文Don't blow it.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文When have I ever? ...Don't answer that.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Don't suppose you'd like to trade. Fists, I mean.


OW2 Doomfist Icon.png

英文I don't think you could handle it.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Doomfist. Doom... fist. Haha. It's a great name.


OW2 Doomfist Icon.png

英文What's yours?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文They call me Junkrat!


OW2 Doomfist Icon.png

英文Not as good.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文No. (Sigh) Not as good.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Didn't I say I'd rip out your tongue if I saw you again?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文My Queen! Your voice, ever sonorous, is like a gentle waterfall upon my ears!


OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Right after the mission. Mark my words.


OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Yeah, the ears are next.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文I've met mozzies with more brains than you, Fawkes.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文With all due respect, milady, I believe that's a knock against the Junkertown education system.


OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文We've got an education system?


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文My exquisitous Queen, I come bearing news of great import!


OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Not now, Ratjunk.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文My name's Junkrat!


OW2 Junker Queen Icon.png

英文No it isn't.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文How come you don't stay a big bloke all the time?


OW2 Ramattra Icon.png

英文I prefer tactical precision over brute force.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Oh, likewise, likewise. Some of my favorite bombs are extraordinarily precise!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Jamison Fawkes, reporting live. Let's ask this scary metal bloke how he thinks the battle's going to go.


OW2 Ramattra Icon.png

英文You are not a journalist.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文A puzzling prognostication. Now back to Natasha for a look at the weather.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Hanzo Icon.png

英文Where did you hide your treasure? You could hardly have it on your person.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Treasure? Uh... sure I don't know anything you're talking about.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文What's on your mind, mate?


OW2 Hanzo Icon.png

英文I am thinking of what I have lost.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文What, your keys? Arrows? Snacks? I’ve got snacks. Cheer up!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Sticky bombs? What a fantastic idea! How do they work?


OW2 Echo Icon.png

英文That is classified information.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文No worries. I'll figure it out on me own. All I need is some glue.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Jamison Fawkes, channel nine news. Mr. Gunbot, sir, how do you think the battle's going to go?


OW2 Bastion Icon.png

英文(excited, talkative beeps)


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Could you repeat that in words? Hold on, breaking news! The moon has fallen into the ocean!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文You look like a gentleman who eats his own toenails!


OW2 Soldier 76 Icon.png

英文Why the hell would you say that to someone?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Just looking for something we might have in common….



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Hey Torbs. Can we trade arms?


OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文I don't think they're compatible.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Jamison Fawkes and Torbjörn Lindholm! Two handsome geniuses, just chit-chatting away.


OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文You can't be serious.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Don’t be so hard on yourself.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Torbjorn Icon.png

英文I helped them with a few things.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文What uh--what sort of things? Asking for a friend.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文You look like the kind of guy who could use something blown up.


OW2 Reaper Icon.png

英文A candidate just came to mind.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Reaper Icon.png

英文You're a reckless lunatic.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Oh. Thank you very much!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I like what you’ve got going on… the ghost powers, the magically replenishing shotguns, the mysterious.


OW2 Reaper Icon.png

英文Shut up.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Wouldn't a scythe be more on brand?


OW2 Reaper Icon.png

英文I prefer shotguns.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Can't really harvest with them, but who am I to argue with Death himself?



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Hey, Rocket Lady... do they make that suit in my size?


OW2 Pharah Icon.png

英文(Laugh) You couldn't handle one of these.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Why not? I was born to fly.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文And I thought I'd taken my licks.


OW2 Genji Icon.png

英文I was a reckless youth... but you are something else entirely.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Cheers, mate! The cavalry's here!


OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文That's my line!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Think I could have a look at one of those bombs of yours?


OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文Over my dead body!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Cheers love! It's time to save the world!


OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文What, again?


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Tracer Icon.png

英文It's a perfect day for some mayhem!


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文That's what I'm always saying!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Symmetra Icon.png

英文When I look at you, I see pure unadulterated chaos.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Is it the bombs? You don't like the bombs?


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文You are terrible!


OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文I hate bullies like you!


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文That's cold!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文You're just a no good bully! How can you even look at yourself in the mirror?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I beg your pardon! I consider myself a freedom fighter, a... misunderstood one.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.


OW2 Mei Icon.png

英文Then you should look somewhere else.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文One stick o' dynamite? Well that's just adorable.


OW2 Ashe Icon.png



OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I meant admirable! Admirable!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cassidy Icon.png

英文I heard there's a nice reward for bringing you fellas in.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Maybe we could... work something out, mate?


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cassidy Icon.png

英文You rob any trains in your day?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文They get all gummed up together in a big pile when I try.


OW2 Cassidy Icon.png

英文You’re supposed to stop them first.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I do stop them. I think my problem is that I stop them a little too hard.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文We're more metal than meat, you and I! Why... we could be twins!


OW2 Sojourn Icon.png

英文(Sigh) And I was having such a nice day.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文United again, the Overwatch strike team prepares for action!


OW2 Sojourn Icon.png

英文Hey. Keep the comms clear, please.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文This is the discipline the commander is known for.


OW2 Sojourn Icon.png

英文I'm about to be known for kicking your butt.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文We should do a concert together.


OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文What do you play?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I sing. Laaaa... (continues singing)


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I sing. La la la la la la... (singing scales)


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I sing. (High operatic singing)


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文I sing. (Singing) Figaro figaro figaro.

中文我会唱歌。(唱歌)Figaro figaro figaro……

OW2 Lucio Icon.png

英文Wow yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Doc, I’ve got this rash that won’t go away. I’ve tried everything? radiation, dirt, radioactive dirt….


OW2 Mercy Icon.png

英文Have you tried bandaging your mouth?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Would that help?


OW2 Mercy Icon.png

英文(Sigh) It'd help me.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文It's so hard to tell right from wrong. If only I had someone to give me guidance.


OW2 Ana Icon.png

英文Mh hmm.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Someone wise, and experienced! An adoptive mother, if you will.


OW2 Ana Icon.png

英文Oh no. Absolutely not.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Baptiste Icon.png

英文I feel sorry for your doctor.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文She's the best in the outback! Cured me of my pie woe mania.


OW2 Baptiste Icon.png

英文I think you mean... pyromania?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文That one I'm still seeing her for!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Baptiste Icon.png

英文I wanted to go to the beach earlier, but some maniac stole all the volleyball nets.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Haha, why would someone do that? (Pause) Unless they had a brilliant plan….


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Baptiste Icon.png

英文What's wrong, man?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文It's nothing. Just beginning to think nobody likes me.


OW2 Baptiste Icon.png

英文Maybe if you stopped stealing and blowing up everybody's stuff.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Is it even worth it, if I don't get to do what I love?



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文So. Did you have a chance to think about my proposal?


OW2 Brigitte Icon.png

英文I'm not putting explosives on my mace.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文What? Oh no no no no no, you misunderstood. I was talking about your shield.


OW2 Brigitte Icon.png

英文That's even worse.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Look, he's the strangest bot I've ever seen. That's all I'm saying.


OW2 Zenyatta Icon.png

英文Strangeness is in the eye of the beholder.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文(Half-whispering) Oh no, he heard me. This is so awkward.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Jamison Fawkes, interviewing this fancy robot. Any wisdom to share with us as the battle begins?


OW2 Zenyatta Icon.png

英文Victory goes to those who maintain their focus.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Boring! Back to you, Natasha-- Any car chases we could watch?



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文You looking for a lab assistant? I'm great with chemicals.


OW2 Moira Icon.png

英文Certainly. We would begin by testing your tolerance for pain.


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文What's pain have to do with science?


OW2 Moira Icon.png

英文Everything, my strange little friend.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Kiriko Icon.png

英文So, how'd you pull all those heists?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png



OW2 Kiriko Icon.png

英文Uh huh. And?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Was -- was there supposed to be another step?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Get this? More bombs!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文My mate Roadhog says there's a fetching price on your noggin. Not as high as the one on ours, mind you.


OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文He said all that?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文It was more like, ?Gonna turn that bloke in. Worth a heap, hurr hurr hurr.?


OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文Thank you for the warning and the convincing impression.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文Are you and Roadhog together?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Do you ever see us apart?


OW2 Lifeweaver Icon.png

英文No, I mean are you a couple?


OW2 Junkrat Icon.png

英文Yes, a couple of dashing rogues! Not sure what you're missing here.
