目前语音维基上有2054个页面。 在上方输入您想创建的页面名称或单击以下标题之一,即可开始撰写!



第1行: 第1行:
== 被堵住去路 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4126.mp3|Script = That moose, amigo, come on!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4127.mp3|Script = Come on!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4128.mp3|Script = Get it moving.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4129.mp3|Script = Come on, I'm late for tennis.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4130.mp3|Script = I'll give you an elbow to the head.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4131.mp3|Script = I know people.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4132.mp3|Script = Movin' idiot!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4133.mp3|Script = Did this guy od?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4134.mp3|Script = What the hell are you doing?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4135.mp3|Script = What's wrong with you?|Translation = }}
== 被粗暴地撞到 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4136.mp3|Script = Still pissed?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4137.mp3|Script = Stay away from me.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4138.mp3|Script = I have a sports car.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4139.mp3|Script = These clothes are expensive.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4140.mp3|Script = Hey easy!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4141.mp3|Script = This is designer.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4142.mp3|Script = You can't even spell Italian.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4143.mp3|Script = Don't bump beautiful people.|Translation = }}
== 汽车碰撞 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4144.mp3|Script = You drunk bastard!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4145.mp3|Script = too much battle?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4146.mp3|Script = Don't drink and drive!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4147.mp3|Script = The commercial says, don't drink and drive.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4148.mp3|Script = Am I the only asshole in the world?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4149.mp3|Script = They're me!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4150.mp3|Script = Come on!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4151.mp3|Script = You should have hit me harder and ended my misery.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4152.mp3|Script = Oh, this is pathetic!|Translation = }}
== 差点被碾过 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4163.mp3|Script = Hey you nut-|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4164.mp3|Script = Come down there, sport.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4165.mp3|Script = watch it pal|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4166.mp3|Script = Whoa, there, pal.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4167.mp3|Script = Don't you see me here?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4168.mp3|Script = You can't run people over!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4169.mp3|Script = Slow down, pal!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4170.mp3|Script = Nice, late model.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4171.mp3|Script = Hey, I thought we were even.|Translation = }}
== 撩妹 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4172.mp3|Script = You need a drink, sweetheart? Don't worry about it.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4173.mp3|Script = Wow, I have died and gone to heaven.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4174.mp3|Script = Hey baby, it's your lucky night.|Translation = }}
== 非汽车碰撞 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4175.mp3|Script = Come on!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4176.mp3|Script = I'll give you an elbow to the head.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4177.mp3|Script = I know people.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4178.mp3|Script = What's wrong with you?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4179.mp3|Script = Watch the loafers square.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4180.mp3|Script = Hey, this outfit's Italian!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4181.mp3|Script = Do you want money, beggar?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4182.mp3|Script = You drunk bastard!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4183.mp3|Script = Don't drink and drive!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4184.mp3|Script = Am I the only asshole in the world?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4185.mp3|Script = Oh, this is pathetic!|Translation = }}
== 被枪吓到 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4186.mp3|Script = I'll give you stocks!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4187.mp3|Script = Hey, wait a minute.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4188.mp3|Script = I've got money!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4189.mp3|Script = I'm not the guy!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4190.mp3|Script = This is getting way freaky.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4191.mp3|Script = This is too freaky!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4192.mp3|Script = I don't wanna die.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4193.mp3|Script = I will pay you handsomely.|Translation = }}
== 被揍 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4194.mp3|Script = No, it's my dad's!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4195.mp3|Script = My dad will have my balls for dinner!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4196.mp3|Script = No!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4197.mp3|Script = Hey!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4198.mp3|Script = Show some reserve!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4199.mp3|Script = I'm gonna go to an Ivy League school!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4200.mp3|Script = These are leather seats.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4201.mp3|Script = Just let me get my stash!|Translation = }}
== 迷路 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4202.mp3|Script = I didn't expect to see you here.|Translation = }}
== 惊慌逃窜 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4203.mp3|Script = Later alligator!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4204.mp3|Script = This is worse than I thought.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4205.mp3|Script = This is a little overwhelming.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4206.mp3|Script = I'm running like the wind.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4207.mp3|Script = This is not a good time for bad news!|Translation = }}
== 死而复生 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4208.mp3|Script = Don't tell my old man about this.|Translation = }}
== 调查事件 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4209.mp3|Script = Wait a minute!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4210.mp3|Script = What the hell is the matter with this town?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4211.mp3|Script = Not in my neighborhood.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4212.mp3|Script = There goes the neighborhood.|Translation = }}
== 叫出租车 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4213.mp3|Script = Taxi!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_4214.mp3|Script = I need a ride, taxi!|Translation = }}

2023年11月28日 (二) 15:52的最新版本

种族 GTAVCRace White Icon.png白人
性别 GTAVCGender Male Icon.png男性
年龄 GTAVCAge Young Icon.png年轻
身份 富人



That moose, amigo, come on!

Come on!

Get it moving.

Come on, I'm late for tennis.

I'll give you an elbow to the head.

I know people.

Movin' idiot!

Did this guy od?

What the hell are you doing?

What's wrong with you?


Still pissed?

Stay away from me.

I have a sports car.

These clothes are expensive.

Hey easy!

This is designer.

You can't even spell Italian.

Don't bump beautiful people.


You drunk bastard!

too much battle?

Don't drink and drive!

The commercial says, don't drink and drive.

Am I the only asshole in the world?

They're me!

Come on!

You should have hit me harder and ended my misery.

Oh, this is pathetic!


Hey you nut-

Come down there, sport.

watch it pal

Whoa, there, pal.

Don't you see me here?

You can't run people over!

Slow down, pal!

Nice, late model.

Hey, I thought we were even.


You need a drink, sweetheart? Don't worry about it.

Wow, I have died and gone to heaven.

Hey baby, it's your lucky night.


Come on!

I'll give you an elbow to the head.

I know people.

What's wrong with you?

Watch the loafers square.

Hey, this outfit's Italian!

Do you want money, beggar?

You drunk bastard!

Don't drink and drive!

Am I the only asshole in the world?

Oh, this is pathetic!


I'll give you stocks!

Hey, wait a minute.

I've got money!

I'm not the guy!

This is getting way freaky.

This is too freaky!

I don't wanna die.

I will pay you handsomely.


No, it's my dad's!

My dad will have my balls for dinner!



Show some reserve!

I'm gonna go to an Ivy League school!

These are leather seats.

Just let me get my stash!


I didn't expect to see you here.


Later alligator!

This is worse than I thought.

This is a little overwhelming.

I'm running like the wind.

This is not a good time for bad news!


Don't tell my old man about this.


Wait a minute!

What the hell is the matter with this town?

Not in my neighborhood.

There goes the neighborhood.



I need a ride, taxi!

公共机构 警察特警FBI便衣警察医护人员
帮派语音 古巴帮海地帮鲨鱼帮迪亚兹帮PIG安保集团飞车党维赛迪家族
路人语音 拉丁裔街头女青年拉丁裔街头中年女性拉丁裔街头男青年拉丁裔街头中年男性拉丁裔富贵女青年拉丁裔富贵中年女性拉丁裔富贵男青年拉丁裔富贵中年男性拉丁裔海滩女青年拉丁裔海滩中年女性拉丁裔海滩男青年拉丁裔海滩中年男性拉丁裔商务女青年拉丁裔酒吧女侍拉丁裔卖烟女性拉丁裔服务女青年拉丁裔流浪中年女性拉丁裔流浪中年男性拉丁裔机场工人拉丁裔男出租司机非裔码头工人非裔男青年罪犯非裔街头女青年非裔街头中年女性非裔街头男青年非裔街头中年男性非裔富贵女青年非裔富贵中年女性非裔富贵男青年非裔海滩女青年非裔海滩男青年非裔海滩中年女性非裔海滩中年男性非裔商务男青年非裔服务女青年非裔流浪中年女性非裔流浪中年男性非裔男皮条客非裔说唱男青年白人男青年罪犯白人街头女青年白人街头中年女性白人街头男青年白人街头中年男性白人富贵女青年白人富贵中年女性白人富贵男青年白人富贵中年男性白人海滩女青年白人海滩男青年白人海滩中年女性白人海滩中年男性白人建筑工白人高尔夫男青年白人高尔夫中年女性白人高尔夫中年男性白人女救生员白人男救生员白人商务女青年白人商务男青年白人商务中年男性白人服务女青年白人流浪中年女性白人流浪中年男性白人男皮条客白人男出租司机白人慢跑女青年白人慢跑男青年白人轮滑女青年白人轮滑男青年白人购物女青年白人购物中年女性日本女游客日本男游客
电台语音 狂野风格闪电FMK-聊天狂热105V-摇滚罪城公共广播惊人电台情感98.3浪潮103电台广告